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Monday’s News, November 20, 2023.

(SFM) News:
The media office of the Syrian Future Movement released a study titled “The State of Syrian Media Outside the Control of the Syrian Regime”.

Our scientific office in the Syrian Future Movement continues its program to educate our children who have dropped out of school, in “Tawad” schools in the cities of Afrin and A’azaz in northern Syria.

Domestic News:
A man and his wife were killed and their bodies burned in Manbij, east of Aleppo, days after their wedding.

Tahrir al-Sham cancels three checkpoints in Idlib as a sign of no threat from the so-called “Revolutionary Shield Brigades”.

On World Children’s Day, documentation of the regime’s killing of 30127 children and the arrest of another 5229.

Modification of the bread selling mechanism in Idlib due to the successive collapses of the Turkish Lira.

A sea dragon strikes in Tartus, destroying vegetable reserves.

14,000 cases of leishmaniasis in Hama province within 10 months.

Massive flight of nurses from government hospitals under the Syrian regime due to low wages.

The Syrian regime claims to release 500 people from its prisons, none of whom are opinion or political prisoners.

Related News:
Anticipated announcement from the Turkish Central Bank regarding the interest rate next Thursday.

International News:
The conflict in Gaza continues, with the occupation continuing to commit massacres and besieging the Indonesian hospital.

The extreme liberal Javier Mile wins the presidency of Argentina.

The Skilled Labor Immigration Law in Germany comes into effect.

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