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Friday, November 17, 2023 News

(SFM) News:

Congratulations from the Syrian Democratic Left Party to the Syrian Future Movement on the occasion of its 11th anniversary of registration.

The political office of the Syrian Future Movement issued a statement regarding the decision of the International Court of Justice to stop the torture of detainees in Syria.

Our Scientific Office in the Syrian Future Movement continues its program in educating our children who have dropped out of school in “Tuad” schools in the cities of Afrin and A’azaz in northern Syria.

Domestic News:
The Sweida uprising enters its third month and protesters renew their demands to overthrow the Syrian regime.

Escalation of security disorder in Daraa and a new kidnapping operation, the victim being an elderly Syrian citizen.

Documentation of the death of a young man under torture in the prisons of the Syrian regime after making a settlement.

The Syrian regime establishes a new branch of immigration and passports in Salamiyah, rural Hama.

The Syrian Coalition warns against linking the delivery of humanitarian aid to the approval of the Syrian regime.

Israeli bombing targets several sites around the capital, Damascus.

Related News:
Russia talks about a plan for a military operation against the Syrian regime forces starting from Al-Tanf.

Turkey announces targeting the ideological leader in the SDF in northern Syria.

Geir Pedersen, holds meetings on Syria in Geneva to push the political process and stop the escalation.

A Canadian court refuses to return 4 citizens from northeastern Syria.

International News:
The Pentagon states the arrival of “Patriot” missile batteries to the Middle East, and “THAAD” is on its way.

42 days into the war on Gaza, Israel continues to target hospitals and obstruct any truce.

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