Media Officetoday news

Saturday News, January 17, 2024.

(SFM) News:
The Organizational Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) released a paper within the movement’s documents titled: ‘The Syrian Future Movement and the Civil State.’

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a memory from the Syrian Revolution dated 17-01-2012, marking the release on this day in 2012 of the human rights and civil society activist, ‘Najati Tayara.’

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published ‘News and Commentary’ titled: ‘An Astronaut between Assad and Erdogan.’

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM), in collaboration with White Fingers, conducted training in Human Resources.

Continuation of the free education program for our children in ‘Tawad’ schools in the cities of Afrin and A’azaz in northern Syria.

Domestic News:
Tribal fighters and Syrian regime forces capture members of ‘SDF’ west of Deir Ezzor.

The Syrian regime releases journalist Lama Abbas.

Syrian regime forces raid ‘Abu Ali Khader’ headquarters in Latakia and clash with its members.

The Syrian regime reinforces its checkpoints around ‘SDF’ controlled areas in Aleppo.

7 SDF members killed during an infiltration attempt north of Aleppo.

A civilian martyred, succumbing to injuries from the regime forces’ shelling on Ariha south of Idlib.

Strangled in his bed.. A journalist’s body found in Homs.

‘Response Coordinators’ appeal for securing winter needs for displaced people in camps in northern Syria.

Preparations underway to reopen the Saudi Embassy in Damascus.

Clashes and mutual shelling between the National Army and ‘SDF’ around Tel Abyad in northern Raqqa.

Related News:
Ignoring Idlib.. The Arab League condemns the Iranian shelling of Erbil.

Erdogan hints at a military operation against PKK after municipal elections.

International News:
Pakistani intelligence sources: All options are on the table in response to the Iranian attack.

Iran sends a message to the Security Council regarding its strikes in Syria and Iraq.

Pakistani Foreign Ministry: Iranian shelling resulted in the death of two children and injured three girls.

Israel continues shelling Gaza amid fears of a deadly famine.

Turkey.. Simultaneous operations against the ‘Kurdistan Workers’ Party’ in 7 provinces.

Kuwait.. A new government with a Foreign Minister from outside the ruling family for the first time.

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