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Monday News Summary 15-04-24.

(SFM) News:

The Family Affairs Office of the Syrian Future Movement published an article titled: “Awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children”.

The “Tawad” Educational Schools, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continue their program of teaching free basic education courses to their students in their headquarters in the cities of A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:
A child was injured and his siblings survived a fire in the Sukkari neighborhood in Aleppo.

An officer and soldiers from the Syrian regime forces were killed and injured in the countryside of Quneitra and Daraa.

Schools in the Damascus countryside show a shortage of teachers and workers, as well as a scarcity in services.

A demonstration took place in Jarabulus, east of Aleppo, demanding the improvement of the security situation.

Warnings about snake and scorpion activity in northern Syria as temperatures rise.

The SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) informed displaced people from Deir ez-Zor in Qamishli to leave their homes and exit the city.

The Jarabulus crossing resumes reservation for leasing to foreign nationals and holders of the Gaziantep Kimmlik.

“The SDF” gives the Kurdish National Council a week to license its offices or close them.

“Physicians Syndicate”: The fate of most new graduates is outside Syria.

The Hajj Authority sets the registration date and cost in northern Syria, Turkey, Qatar, and Erbil for the 2024 season.

“The Broken Wings” – a book narrating stories of Syrian doctors killed under bombardment.

Two siblings were injured by artillery shelling by regime forces in Idlib countryside.

Related News:
The US House of Representatives will vote on the “Pentagon 2” bill tomorrow, Tuesday.

Opening of the new headquarters of the Iranian Consulate in Damascus.

The trial of an officer responsible for crimes in Homs and Hama begins in Sweden.

Russia announces the bombing of “armed individuals” in hard-to-reach mountains in Homs.

International News:
Guterres warns of a comprehensive conflict in the Middle East.

US intelligence: Israel can respond to Iran through covert operations.

An emergency session in the Security Council to discuss the repercussions of Iran’s response to Israel.

Biden informs Netanyahu: America will not participate in a counterattack on Iran.

The death toll from the Israeli war on Gaza approaches 34,000.

Lebanese officials point to Mossad involvement in the killing of Mohammad Suroor, an American punisher.

The death of the child Malak, the granddaughter of Ismail Haniyeh, due to her injuries.

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