غير مصنف

Thursday, December 14, 2023, News.

(SFM) News:

  • The Family Affairs Office of the Syrian Future Movement published an article titled: “The Psychological Impact of Stopping Humanitarian Aid in Syria.”
  • The Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a memory from the revolution: On this day in 2014, the Popular Committees (affiliated with the Syrian regime) seized the house of artist ‘Mai Skaf’ in Jaramana, rural Damascus, after storming it.
  • The Presidency Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a congratulatory card for the Director of the Syrian Network for Human Rights.
  • The continuation of the program to educate our children who have dropped out of school in ‘Tuad’ schools in the cities of Afrin and A’azaz in northern Syria.

Domestic News:

  • The mayor of Al-Shifounieh, rural Damascus, referred to the judiciary.
  • Again, the Syrian regime schedules appointments for regular passport reservations.
  • A gang kidnaps a child in Raqqa and demands a ransom of 300,000 dollars.
  • The Qatari Red Crescent continues to support the health system in northwest Syria.
  • The Syrian regime invites the United Nations to support its efforts in the return of refugees.
  • Russian Deputy Foreign Minister discusses with Geir Pedersen the resumption of the Syrian Constitutional Committee.
  • The Jordanian Foreign Minister warns of the continued smuggling of drugs and weapons from Syria.

Related News:

  • The US Army reinforces the Conoco base with the C-RAM air defense system.
  • Germany and Turkey discuss the pivotal role of the Syrian opposition in “resolving the conflict.”
  • An Iraqi militia targets the American base in Al-Shaddadi, eastern Syria.
  • Robert Ford: The Biden administration insists on keeping US forces in eastern Syria.

International News:

  • Reporters Without Borders: The highest toll in Gaza, 45 journalists killed around the world during 2023.
  • The Ukrainian army announces the downing of 41 Russian drones.
  • The US House of Representatives votes to open an official investigation to impeach Biden.
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