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“Monday News, November 13, 2023

On the occasion of the 11th anniversary of the Syrian Future Movement’s registration, the (SFM) Facebook page broadcasted a live speech by its President, Dr. Zaher Baadarani.

The media office begins releasing a series of podcasts to introduce the Syrian Future Movement, prepared by its President.
The first reel titled ‘When was the Syrian Future Movement established and where?’ was published.

The Syrian Future Movement’s media office published: From the Memory of the Syrian Revolution’, noting the registration of the (SFM) on this day in 2012 in both the U.S. Departments of Justice and State at 3:54:18 PM on 11/13.

Our scientific office in the Syrian Future Movement continues its program to educate our children who have dropped out of school in the ‘Tuad’ schools in the cities of Afrin and A’azaz in northern Syria.

Internal News:
The National Front reduces the number of its factions through mergers.

The Syrian regime plans to adjust the price and delivery time of ordinary passports.

The Syrian regime promotes an unprecedented tribal attack against SDF.

Delivery delays of gas cylinders exceed 80 days in Syrian regime areas.

Russia creates a militia alternative to Wagner, named ‘Redut PMC’, and deploys it in Syria.

Jarabulus Council doubles the entry fees for Syrians coming from Turkey.

Related News:
Biden refuses to launch a heavy bombing operation against Iran in Syria.

Brazil arrests a Syrian accused of terrorism and recruiting for Hezbollah and fighting with the Syrian regime.

The Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah deploy opposite the Golan Heights without coordination with the Syrian regime.

International News:
The war on Gaza continues, targeting hospitals, with violent confrontations in the West Bank.

The dismissal of the British Interior Minister after describing pro-Palestine demonstrations as hate marches.

Israel bombs Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon.

The dollar reaches its highest level in over a year against the Chinese yuan.

The UAE launches its latest Arabic language programs through artificial intelligence.”

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