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Thursday News Summary 13-06-24.

SFM News:
The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published “Symbols and Leaders of the State in Syria (5): Leader Ibrahim Hanano.”

The Tawad Educational Schools series in Afrin continues intensive activities with its students during the summer period to elevate their education level, address any shortcomings, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year to excel and be distinctive.
The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) aims to fill the time of our sons and daughters with all that is beneficial and useful.

Domestic News:
Inside Damascus Castle.. A Russian community in Syria celebrates “National Day.”

Increased penalties for stealing components of electricity and telecommunications networks in areas controlled by the Syrian regime.

A severe water crisis affects about 1,000 displacement camps in northwest Syria.

Factions in Sweida succeed in releasing activist “Al-Aqabani” after detaining a security patrol of the Syrian regime.

An Australian study reveals that 33 percent of Aleppo’s residents see a political solution as a priority.

Following the death of a girl.. the death toll from the bus accident west of Idlib rises to 8.

A displaced man dies and his child is injured in a bomb explosion in a camp west of Idlib.

The Syrian regime holds a funeral for some of its soldiers killed by “ISIS” in the desert.

“Asayish” announces the seizure of a “Captagon” shipment introduced by the regime into northern Syria.

Following an attack on “Shia pilgrims,” the National Defense Militia clashes with locals in a town in Deir Ezzor.

In exchange for bribes.. “SDF” checkpoints allow the smuggling of wheat to the regime in Hasakah.

“The Syrian Interior”: Thwarting the smuggling of 700,000 Captagon pills to Iraq.

A man is killed and his wife is injured by unknown gunmen west of Daraa.

Basic and secondary certificate exams: 3,300 cases of cheating and 89 cases against parents taken to court.

Related News:
A fact-finding mission report denies “ISIS” bombing the Syrian regime with chemicals in rural Hama.

Following a demonstration in Al-Bab.. a meeting between Russian and Turkish officers at “Abu al-Zendin” crossing.

The United Nations: “SDF” forcibly recruited 231 children in Syria during 2023.

The U.S. House of Representatives bans funding for the InterAction organization, which sought to fail the law against normalization with Assad’s regime.

International News:
A secret meeting in Bahrain including Israeli, American, and Arab generals to discuss security cooperation.

Targeting semiconductors, Washington imposes sanctions on Russia in China, Turkey, and the UAE.

The Saudi Crown Prince apologizes for not participating in the G7 summit.

Turkey officially announces the signing of a deal with America regarding F-16 aircraft.

Israel rejects the United Nations investigation into the Gaza war, describing it as “biased.”

“Amnesty” emphasizes investigating the role of the Greek Coast Guard in the sinking of the migrant boat “Adriana.”

Following the killing of one of its leaders, “Hezbollah” vows to intensify its operations against Israel.

Hamas: Our demands for a ceasefire include the complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.

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