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Wednesday News Summary 12-06-24.

SFM News:
The Presidential Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) issued a statement titled: Condolences to the State of Kuwait for the Building Fire in Mangaf City.

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a cartoon titled: Syrian Revolution Cartoon (28).

The Tawad Educational Schools series in Afrin is intensively engaging with its students during the summer period to enhance their education level, address any shortcomings, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year to excel and stand out.
The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) aims to fill the time of our sons and daughters with all that is useful and beneficial.

Domestic News:
More than 900 displacement camps in northwest Syria are cut off from food aid.

Battles in the Syrian Badia result in the death of two regime officers with the ranks of major general and brigadier general, and reports of dozens killed in an ambush.

Two members of the “SDF” were killed east of Deir Ezzor.

Three separate incidents.. Fatalities and injuries from family disputes and unknown gunmen in Deir Ezzor.

A new heatwave sweeps through Syria.

A woman in Baniyas city died after falling from the fourth floor.

$50 for non-Syrians.. The Syrian regime government raises the fees for issuing a judicial record document.

“The Action Group for Palestinians of Syria” calls for legal protection for Palestinian and Syrian children.

“The Salvation Government” sets the Eid al-Adha holiday days in Idlib.

Two members of the Syrian regime forces were killed in an explosion targeting a military vehicle in eastern Syria.

A former “ISIS” leader and a militia leader linked to the Military Security were killed.

The final statement of the “Negotiation Committee” meeting in Geneva: No solution in Syria outside Resolution 2254.

Related News:
In a security operation with the coalition, Iraq announces the killing of an “ISIS” leader in Syria.

Putin during his meeting with Fidan: We support maintaining the “Astana Process” regarding Syria.

The United States: The Syrian regime continues to blatantly ignore its obligations under Resolution 2118.

The United Kingdom: Thousands of munitions and hundreds of tons of chemical substances in Syria are missing.

The Acting Head of the European Union Mission in Syria meets with the Iranian Ambassador in Damascus.

International News:
189 drowned and missing due to a boat sinking off the coast of Yemen.

Worth half a billion Egyptian pounds, Egypt seizes a drug recycling cell in Obour and Ismailia.

For “violating the constitution,” a German state bans an Islamic association and closes a mosque.

Including “genocide,” a UN investigative committee accuses Israel of committing war crimes in Gaza.

Turkish Central Bank: Private sector external loans rose to $165 billion.

10 of them in Gaza.. 29 Israeli soldiers injured in the past 24 hours.

Washington: Our military buildup in Greece is not directed against Ankara, and we reject the SDF elections.

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