Media Officetoday news

Tuesday News Summary 12/03/24.

(SFM) News:

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement published from the memory of the Syrian Revolution on March 12, 2014, where on this day in 2014, the European Court approved sanctions imposed on Bushra al-Assad, the sister of the head of the Syrian regime, based on excerpts from the internet confirming her involvement with the Assad regime.

The Syrian Future Movement began the “In Their Affection” campaign, targeting the iftar meals for fasting people among our displaced and marginalized people, as well as the families of martyrs and orphans in the cities of Azaz and Afrin in northern Syria.

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement announces the first winner of the competition held by the Syrian Future Movement through its Facebook page.

The Tawad Educational Series, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continue to provide free basic education curriculum to its students in both A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:
Three workers collecting truffles were killed in a mine explosion east of Raqqa.

Civilians were injured in a fire in the town of Atmeh, north of Idlib.

Lebanon’s Foreign Minister: The Syrian situation cannot be left as it is.

For $200, the Jarablus crossing resumes Syrians’ visits to the north in Turkey.

A minister in the Syrian regime denies any instructions or security intervention in the work of ministers.

A uninhabited residential building collapses in the city of Zabadani in the Damascus countryside.

The Minister of Industry in the Syrian regime meets the Chinese ambassador in Damascus.

Unified sermon and new prayer regulations… Iran takes over the administration of mosques in Deir ez-Zor.

After months of tension… Reconciliation reached between two families in Akhtarin, Aleppo countryside.

Deaths reported in armed clashes in a camp in Azaz, northern Aleppo.

Political parties announce the start of joint coordination to achieve change in Syria.

The international investigation committee warns of a wave of violence not seen in Syria since 2020.

On the first day of Ramadan… regime forces kill a civilian west of Aleppo via an FPV aircraft.

Related News:
Coming from areas under the control of the Syrian regime… Attempt to smuggle drugs and hashish towards Turkey thwarted.

James Jeffrey: The presence of US forces is important in Syria to carry out various tasks.

The Swiss Attorney General announces the referral of Rifaat al-Assad to court on charges of war crimes.

A new book celebrates the American journalist James Foley killed by ISIS in Syria.

International News:
The European Union threatens Iran with new and significant measures for sending missiles to Russia.

Bin Ghafeer calls for declaring war against Lebanon.

A Lebanese person killed and 8 others injured in two Israeli raids on the Bekaa.

Qatar: We are working towards a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Reuters: Turkish banks limit the use of credit cards to curb inflation.

US intelligence: Iranian militias are using the war in Gaza to carry out their agendas.

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