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Monday News Summary 11/03/24.

(SFM) News:

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement released the podcast “Messages of the Movement” (9) titled “Ambassadors.”

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement honored the “Shield of the Movement” to Major Hussein Harmoush, titled (15).

The organizational office of the Syrian Future Movement published a paper titled “The Syrian Future Movement and the Environment.”

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement commemorated the memory of the Syrian revolution on 11-03-2012, where on this day in 2012, Syrian regime forces committed a massacre against civilians in the Karm al-Zeitoun neighborhood in the province of Homs, Syria, killing more than 53 children and women, who were brutally murdered using knives and thrown on the streets.

The religious office of the Syrian Future Movement announced the Ramadan fasting times in the areas of Afrin and Azaz.

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement started the “Ramadan Contest” on its Facebook page.

“The Tawad Educational Series, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, began teaching free basic education courses to students in its headquarters in the cities of A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:

Casualties reported in armed clashes in a camp in Azaz, northern Aleppo.

Political factions announce joint coordination to achieve change in Syria.

“The Kurdish National Council”: PYD responsible for burning our offices in northern Syria.

Syrian regime media claims the killing of 60 members of factions in Idlib and Aleppo and accuses Al-Julani.

On the first day of Ramadan, regime forces kill a civilian west of Aleppo through an FPV aircraft.

Decision by the Syrian regime to ban the production and import of materials containing “titanium dioxide”.

Death of a child in a traffic accident in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.

Damascus University enters the Islamic University ranking.

170 attacks by regime forces on northern Syria since the beginning of the year.

Related News:

Guterres: Syrians suffer from hunger after 13 years, and their demands for justice are far-fetched.

Moscow announces the return of 32 Russian children from the al-Hol camp in northeastern Syria.

The International Investigation Committee warns of a wave of violence not seen in Syria since 2020.

Sourced from areas controlled by the Syrian regime: Foiling the smuggling of narcotics and hashish towards Turkey.

International News:

US-British airstrikes on Houthi sites in the Yemeni city of Hodeidah.

Russia heads to the ballot box: Putin as president before and after the elections.

Germany braces for another week of strikes in the transportation sector.

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