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Monday News Summary 10-06-24.

(SFM) News:
The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) released a statement about the Syrian Network for Human Rights joining the Global Alliance Against Genocide.

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published Syrian Revolution Cartoon No. (26).

The Presidential Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) issued an administrative decision appointing Mr. Ammar Al-Takleh to oversee the Capacity Building and Self-Development Department, affiliated with the SFM’s Scientific Office, located at the A’azaz office in Northern Syria.

Tawad Educational Schools in Afrin are intensively engaging with their students during the summer period to enhance their educational level, address any shortcomings, and prepare them for the upcoming school year to excel and stand out.
The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) aims to fill our sons and daughters’ time with all that is beneficial and constructive, making them effective users of time.

Domestic News:
Russia claims to target 13 bases in Homs and Deir ez-Zor.

SDF arrests an activist and a leader from the “Kurdish Council” in Hasakah.

Linking municipal vehicles to the GPS system has littered the streets of Homs with garbage.

Over the month, the Civil Defense has provided services to 4,162 kidney disease patients in northwest Syria.

“The Syrian Network for Human Rights” joins the Global Alliance Against Genocide.

Armed individuals attack a checkpoint of the “Fourth Division” in west Deir ez-Zor.

A child dies in Rukban Camp due to the consequences of the siege and lack of healthcare.

Fires in the occupied Syrian Golan following the explosion of two drones launched from Lebanon.

18 people died and more than 600 were injured in traffic accidents in northwest Syria during 2024.

A mine explosion in Daraa kills a young man and injures his father.

Four children drown while swimming in the Euphrates River in Deir ez-Zor.

The Kurdish National Council holds the “PYD” responsible for the abduction of two of its members.

One of them consumed 10,000 dunums.. 8 fires in Sweida last night.

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham refuses to cooperate with the “Reform and Change” initiative regarding events in Idlib.

After infiltrating economic sectors.. Iran promotes its universities in Syria.

Work resumes at the Semalka border crossing in northeast Syria.

Due to corruption and low salaries.. a new wave of resignations sweeps through “SDF” institutions.

For revenge.. 3 members of one family were killed in Jarabulus, east of Aleppo.

Related News:
The Gulf Cooperation Council demands the Syrian regime to implement the decisions of the Arab Contact Committee.

Fidan warns of a possible escalation in Syria and calls for regional cooperation.

After a 13-year detention.. Saudi Arabia returns two aircraft to the Syrian regime.

The World Health Organization calls for action to stop the migration of medical staff from Syria.

Amid escalating confrontations with Hezbollah.. Israel launches a “covert” campaign in Syria.

Turkey: SDF elections in northeast Syria are a prelude to creating a terrorist state.

International News:
Following Britain’s example.. Erdogan indicates adopting a law banning the sale of tobacco to youth.

European elections.. The Christian Union leads and the far right is second in Germany.

Gantz and Eisenkot resign amid escalating repercussions of the Israeli war on Gaza.

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