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Sunday News Summary 09-06-24.

(SFM) News:
The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published from the memory of the Syrian revolution dated June 9, 2011.

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) released SFM Messages (14) titled: Preserving Property.

The Towad Educational Schools chain in Afrin city is actively engaging with its students during the summer period to enhance their educational level, address any shortcomings, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year to excel and stand out.
Moreover, in the Syrian Future Movement (SFM), we aim to fill the time of our sons and daughters with all that is beneficial and useful.

Internal News:
In a prominent public follow-up, the White Helmets rescued a child who fell into an artesian well in rural Idlib.

Clashes between the “Eighth Brigade” and “Popular Committees” in Daraa.

A day after his disappearance, a father of two was found murdered along with another person in Sweida.

On the fifth anniversary of his death, photos of Abdul Basset al-Sarout are present in demonstrations in Sweida.

Following the postponement of elections, the “Autonomous Administration” invites candidates to return to their former institutions.

5 million Captagon pills seized in Aleppo, previously unannounced by the Syrian regime.

Bashar al-Assad issues a decree to dismiss more judges.

5 casualties, including children, in a traffic accident in rural Aleppo.

A “presidential” decree to increase the hourly wage for extra teaching by a quarter of a dollar.

A young man was killed in Deir ez-Zor during a raid by the “SDF”.

Weather in Syria: Temperatures are dropping and approaching their usual levels.

A fire in a detention garage in Aleppo and a chips warehouse in Hama.

The cost of university book authorship in regime-controlled areas raised to 10,000 Syrian pounds per page.

Barley collection centers for the “Autonomous Administration” in northeast Syria are empty, and traders are hoarding.

Including the head of the artists’ union, sanctions target “Baathist” members in the regime’s parliament by the Baath Party leadership.

The Syrian Islamic Council: “SDF” postponement of elections is “deceptive and time-wasting”.

Related News:
20 Syrians detained in Lebanon, including a clergyman, following a shooting at the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon.

Death of 4 Syrian workers in a fire that broke out in commercial warehouses in Baghdad.

International News:
The Houthis claim they targeted a British destroyer in the Red Sea.

Modi takes the oath of office as the Prime Minister of India for a third term.

To stop the genocide in Gaza, hundreds of thousands demonstrate in Washington and London.

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