Media OfficeNews

News for Wednesday, 2024-08-28.

The SFM’s News:

  • The Economic Office of the Syrian Future Movement published an article titled: Microeconomics and the Necessity of Its Establishment in Syria.
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement released the podcast SFM Podcast (28): The Political System of the State from the Movement’s Perspective (4).
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a cartoon titled: Syrian Revolution Cartoon No. (81).
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement reported from the memory of the Syrian Revolution on 2011/08/28: On this day in 2011, dozens of Turks and Syrians residing in Turkey organized a demonstration in Taksim Square in Istanbul to denounce the “criminal practices” of the Syrian regime. The protesters chanted slogans calling for the fall of the regime in Syria and warned Assad that his fate would be similar to that of Colonel Gaddafi.
  • The Tawad Educational Schools network in Afrin continues intensive activities with its students during the summer period to improve their education level, address any gaps or deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year.

Internal News:

  • After the Paralympic Games event: The “Rescue Government” halts the activities of the Violet Organization in Idlib.
  • An electronic marketing scam network seizes two billion Syrian pounds.
  • SDF imposes large taxes on displaced persons in Hasakah.
  • Bashar al-Assad presides over a meeting to discuss the role of the Ba’ath Party bloc in the “People’s Council.”
  • Transport drivers in Hasakah strike after being deprived of subsidized diesel.
  • A PKK leader and two SDF members were killed in a Turkish airstrike in Qamishli.
  • Earthquakes leave 475 homes damaged in Salamiyeh, east of Hama.
  • The Syrian regime announces a public auction for the recycling of rubble in Qaboun, Damascus.
  • Four people were killed in an Israeli airstrike targeting a car on the Damascus-Beirut road.
  • Reporters Without Borders and the Syrian Network condemn the detention of journalist Bakr al-Qasim in eastern Aleppo.
  • Salary disparities drive Syrian teachers to leave public education for private schools.
  • Despite documenting the dead, the Syrian Interior Minister claims that no displaced persons returning to the country are being detained.

Related News:

  • Ankara emphasizes its conditions for normalization with the Syrian regime, including counterterrorism and the return of refugees.
  • Jordan announces the disappearance of two citizens after entering Syrian territory.
  • The Pentagon: Targeting “Al-Makki,” the leader of Haras al-Din in Syria, confirms our ability to reach anywhere.
  • Israeli flares in southern Syria coincide with explosion sounds in Daraa and rural Damascus.

International News:

  • In Lithuania, the funeral of the one millionth German soldier from World War II takes place.
  • Russia warns of a third world war and Ukraine announces the use of F-16s.
  • In its confrontation with the Western government, Eastern Libya closes oil sources.
  • The Israeli “Ministry of Heritage” approves funding for a project to storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
  • The Israeli Foreign Minister calls for treating the West Bank like Gaza and evacuating its residents.
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