Media OfficeNews

News for Tuesday, 2024-08-27

The SFM’s News:

  • The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a statement titled: Condemnation of the Abduction of Media Figure Bakr Qasim.
  • The scientific office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) / Capacity Building and Self-Development Department awarded certificates for the completion of the “English Language Level 2” training.
  • The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a caricature titled: Syrian Revolution Caricature No. (80).
  • The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published from the memory of the Syrian revolution on 2011/08/27, marking that on this day in 2011, demonstrations erupted across most Syrian provinces, cities, and villages under the banner of “Friday of Patience and Steadfastness.”
  • The Tawad Educational Schools series in Afrin continues intensive activities with its students during the summer period to enhance their education, address any deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year.

Internal News:

  • September 8 is the start date for the supplementary course for graduates at the University of Damascus.
  • A child drowned in the Euphrates River east of Deir ez-Zor.
  • The Syrian regime urges its ambassadors to attract investments.
  • The military police arrest a journalist in al-Bab, east of Aleppo, and activists demand his release.
  • To address 10 cases, the Idlib movement calls on “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham” to appear before an independent committee.
  • The “Dignity Sit-in” in Aleppo forms sub-committees to elect the “General Authority for the Leadership of the Revolution.”
  • Latakia is affected by a rare sea dragon.. Mediterranean Sea warming raises concerns.
  • “Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)” arrests a girl in Manbij amid concerns about her fate.
  • Idlib records an unprecedented medical achievement with the successful emergency removal of a brain clot.
  • The Syrian regime buries a “Political Security” officer in Damascus who was killed in clashes in Dael, Daraa countryside.

Related News:

  • Former US advisor: Putin deceived Israel with a promise to reduce Iran’s influence in Syria.

International News:

  • Arab condemnations of Ben-Gvir’s statements about building a synagogue at Al-Aqsa.
  • After banning “Roblox,” the Turkish parliament is considering new measures to “protect youth.”
  • Israeli settlers establish a “settlement outpost” east of Jerusalem.

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