Media OfficeNews

News of Saturday, 2024-08-24.

The SFM’s News:

  • The Economic Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published an article titled: The Role of the Private Sector in Economic Reform in Syria.
  • The Scientific Office / Capacity Building and Self-Development Section of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) launched the training “Digital Journalism.”
  • The Scientific Office / Capacity Building and Self-Development Section of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) awarded certificates for completing the training “Job Market Entry Skills.”
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a cartoon titled: Syrian Revolution Cartoon No. 78.
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published from the memory of the Syrian revolution on 2012/08/24, where on this day in 2012: Idlib province witnessed 34 documented demonstrations with video clips in the “Friday of Don’t Be Sad, Daraa, God Is With Us.”
  • The Tawad Educational Schools series in the city of A‘azaz continues its intensive activities with its students during the summer period to enhance their educational level, address any deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year.

Internal News:

  • Within 24 hours… 6 people killed in separate assassinations in Daraa.
  • Living pressures and unemployment push a young man in Raqqa to end his life by burning.
  • The Central Command sets the conditions for candidacy in the upcoming “Baath Party” elections.
  • “QSD” launches a new raid campaign in western Raqqa countryside.
  • 4 deaths in 3 accidents in northeastern Syria.
  • Sewage irrigates crops in Al-Ghouta, threatening the health of its people.
  • The “National Seismological Center” in Syria recorded 24 new tremors.
  • Electricity stations in Hasaka are without maintenance, and the Syrian regime blames Turkey.
  • Syria experiences a drop in temperatures with chances of rain.
  • “QSD” announces the killing of a “dangerous leader” of ISIS who participated in the attack on the Industrial Prison in Hasaka.
  • A wave of displacement in eastern Deir ez-Zor after renewed clashes between Syrian regime forces and “QSD.”
  • The Syrian regime investigates the “Castle Wedding,” and the owners deny responsibility for the fireworks.
  • Faisal Mekdad congratulates his Iranian counterpart on assuming his position and confirms “coordination of stances.”

Related News:

  • The U.S. Central Command announces the killing of Abu Abdulrahman al-Makki, a leader of the Hurras al-Din organization in Syria.
  • A message from the Turkish Ministry of Defense on the anniversary of Operation “Euphrates Shield” in Syria.
  • The “Revolutionary Guards” adopt new tactics in Deir ez-Zor to avoid airstrikes.
  • Documenting the first death of a Syrian in the Ukraine war alongside Russian forces.

International News:

  • During the “Diversity” festival in Germany, 3 people were killed and others injured in a knife attack.
  • After being attacked by drones, Russia declares a state of emergency in a border area with Ukraine.
  • “Meta” thwarts Iranian hacking attempts targeting U.S. officials.
  • “ISIS” uses artificial intelligence to spread its propaganda.
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