Media OfficeNews

News for Wednesday, 2024-08-21.

The SFM’s News:

  • The Family Affairs Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published an article titled: The Political Rights of Syrian Women.
  • The Political Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a statement titled: On the 11th Anniversary of the Chemical Massacre in Ghouta.
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a cartoon titled: Syrian Revolution Cartoon No. (75).
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a memory from the Syrian Revolution on 2013/08/21 where, on this day in 2013, the Syrian regime launched rockets loaded with chemical nerve gas on areas in Eastern Ghouta and Al-Muadamiyah in Western Ghouta, resulting in the martyrdom of more than 1100 innocent Syrian civilians.
  • The Tawad Educational School Series in Afrin continues its intensive activities with students during the summer period to enhance their educational level, address any deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming school year.

Internal News:

  • A child was martyred due to a landmine explosion left by regime forces in Daraa.
  • Two children died, and their parents were injured in a traffic accident in Idlib city.
  • The National Army conducts training on FPV drone operation.
  • Ilham Ahmed: The Syrian regime must engage in dialogue with us and recognize us, or it will face a new barrier.
  • A woman died, and three others were injured in a farming vehicle accident in northern Hama.
  • A doctor resigned after being assaulted by a tribal sheikh in Deir ez-Zor.
  • A booby-trapped motorcycle exploded in Afrin, northern Aleppo.
  • Challenges arise for the Iranian plan as Assad reportedly informed Tehran of his reluctance to be drawn into any war, according to the Wall Street Journal.
  • The Real Estate Bank resumes granting personal loans to public sector employees.
  • On the anniversary of the chemical massacre, activists in As-Suwayda call for holding “Assad” accountable.
  • Regime forces conduct a wide-scale arrest campaign in Damascus, targeting dozens of young men.
  • Syrian Airlines deliberately delays flights pending the activation of the partnership contract with “Eloma.”
  • The National Army thwarts an infiltration attempt by “QSD” in northern Aleppo, inflicting losses.
  • Community initiatives address the water crisis in Arman and Labeen in As-Suwayda.
  • Fires break out in the occupied Golan Heights amid escalating rocket attacks from Lebanon.

Related News:

  • Germany: The Syrian regime has not declared or destroyed all of its chemical weapons and facilities.
  • Dan Stoenescu met with the UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Syria during his recent visit to the country.
  • The United States, Britain, and Germany commemorate the chemical weapons attack on Ghouta.

International News:

  • Biden adopts a secret nuclear strategy focusing on countering China.
  • Amid Israeli alert, Iran announces that its response “may be on land.”
  • Germany convicts a 90-year-old woman for complicity in the murder of 10,000 people in a Nazi camp.
  • After the incursion in Kursk, Ukraine targets the Russian capital Moscow with drones.
  • Iran: 28 dead in a bus overturning carrying Pakistanis en route to Iraq.

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