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Wednesday News Summary 08-05-24.

(SFM) News:
The Organizational Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a paper titled: The Syrian Future Movement and Sports.

The Political Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a study titled: The Crisis of Migration and Refuge and the Question in the Structure of the Global System.

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement published from the Memory of the Syrian Revolution dated May 8, 2013, where on this day in 2013, factions of the Syrian revolution declared their recapture of the town of Khirbet Ghazaleh in Daraa, hours after the Syrian regime stormed the town and attempted to take control of it.

The Media Office published a caricature titled: The Sweida Uprising and the Presidential Cell.

The Tawad Educational School Chain, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continues its program of teaching free basic education courses to its students in both its headquarters in A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:
Strike and demonstration in front of the local council in A’azaz protesting the closure of the main market road.

Two weeks after the arrest, a lawyer dies in a security branch of the Syrian regime in Al-Hasakah.

Civil society organizations present four demands to the European Union to support the aspirations of the Syrian people.

Rocket attack targets a displaced persons camp in Afrin.

A practical experiment at Damascus University followed by a “medical error” results in the death of a medical student.

ISIS punishes an oil trader in Deir ez-Zor who refused to pay zakat.

The killing of 3 members of the regime forces by explosive devices in Daraa.

Farmers on the Syrian coast appeal for compensation after their crops were damaged by the storm.

Warnings of the flooding of the Orontes River due to the opening of the gates of the Qarqur Dam.

After four years of suffering, residents of Barzeh neighborhood are required to pay half the cost of sewage system repairs.

Appearance of the Iranian “Toofan” missile system in the Syrian regime’s army.

Dozens of families leave al-Hol camp for Deir ez-Zor.

A tragic accident east of Aleppo results in the death of a man and seriously injures his mother.

Due to ISIS, young men blow up two houses belonging to their cousins in Deir ez-Zor.

Farmers in Idlib attack the Zakat Authority and refuse to pay the money.

Additional challenges with rising temperatures.. 3 tents for displaced people burn in northern Idlib.

Related News:
Human rights organizations criticize the French judiciary’s decision to challenge the arrest warrant against Bashar al-Assad.

The Syrian Negotiation Commission presents two policy papers on detainees and truth commissions.

A British mission completes training 36 doctors in Idlib on surgeries in dangerous environments.

An American faces charges of receiving training from ISIS after being evacuated from Syria.

International News:
“Israeli Broadcasting” reveals the identity of the businessman killed in Alexandria.

Saudi Arabia announces the value of the penalty for violating Hajj regulations and instructions.

Southern Lebanon.. Intensive shelling exchange between Israel and Hezbollah.

Report shows a 74% decline in Gulf interest in Turkish real estate.

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