Media OfficeNews

News for Monday, 2024-08-05.

The SFM’s News:

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) has published a cartoon titled: “Syrian Revolution Cartoon No. 60.”

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) has published a memory from the Syrian revolution on 2012/08/05, where on this day in 2012, the Al-Baraa Brigade of the Free Syrian Army posted pictures online showing detained Iranians who were on a reconnaissance mission in Damascus. During the investigation, it was found that one of the detainees was an officer in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

The Towad Educational Schools in Afrin continue intensive activities with their students during the summer period to enhance their education, address any deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming school year.

Internal News:

Coinciding with pressures on Daraa, the Syrian regime begins the “Settlement” process in Quneitra.

“The Free Syria Army” denies the establishment of an airstrip in the Al-Tanf area.

Following the Negotiation Committee, the National Coalition denies meeting with a Russian diplomat in Turkey.

Weeks after his assassination, the wife of leader Merhej Al-Jarmani was killed in front of her home in As-Suwayda in a revenge killing.

In one day, six traffic accidents in northwestern Syria result in 10 injuries.

Kidnappers release a doctor in As-Suwayda after a substantial ransom was paid.

Citing weak internet, health insurance companies in Damascus evade their responsibilities towards patients.

Riad Hijab meets Khaled Meshaal in Qatar and offers condolences on the assassination of Haniyeh.

SDF elements assault the staff of Raqqa National Hospital.

A young man in Aleppo was arrested for flooding the “Syria and Lebanon” offices with forged documents and possessing hundreds of stamps.

Related News:

Russia returns to the “Radio” base in Ain Al-Arab, eastern Aleppo, which it evacuated in 2021.

Egypt’s Foreign Minister: We welcome Ankara’s readiness to resolve disputes with Damascus.

International News:

Blinken informs G7 countries: Iran may attack Israel within 24 hours.

After the death of 300 people, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh resigns and leaves the country.

Israel is considering a preemptive strike.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard threatens again: the response to Haniyeh’s assassination will be new and surprising.

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