Media OfficeNews

News for Tuesday, 2024-07-30.

The SFM’s

  • The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a cartoon titled: Syrian Revolution Cartoon No. 54.
  • The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a memory from the Syrian revolution on 2011/07/30. On this day, Bashar al-Assad issued Legislative Decree No. 94 of 2011, reducing the cash substitution fee for conscripts residing outside Syria with a permanent residence of no less than four years to five thousand US dollars.
  • The Tawad Educational Series in Afrin continues intensive activities with its students during the summer period to improve their education level, make up for deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming school year.

Internal News:

  • A fire in the Khaja market in Damascus resulted in casualties and disrupted communications.
  • Reduced fees for obtaining a vehicle driver’s license in Idlib.
  • The military police justify the arrest of a protester in eastern Aleppo and accuse the “Shamiya” faction of storming the Al-Bab branch.
  • Transport crisis and rising ticket prices in northeastern Syria following the cessation of diesel support.
  • Exploiting corruption and lack of security, a fraud network sells displaced people’s properties in Aleppo with forged documents.
  • “Syria Telecommunications” announces internet service disruptions in several areas.
  • Homs faces a severe water crisis during the peak of summer.
  • Bashar al-Assad issues a decree with the names of the winners of the “People’s Assembly” membership.
  • Amid threats of escalation, targeting of regime sites in rural Daraa in response to the kidnapping of a family in Homs.
  • Casualties for “SDF” during an infiltration attempt in eastern Aleppo.
  • Bashar al-Assad congratulates his Venezuelan counterpart on his third presidential term victory.

Related News:

  • A Democratic senator halts anti-normalization legislation with Assad in the U.S. Senate.
  • U.S. State Department: The Golan Heights is vital for Israel’s security as long as Assad remains in power.
  • UN report: 3.55 million displaced people in northwestern Syria, and aid is insufficient.
  • United Nations: Lack of funding exacerbates water and sanitation issues in northwestern Syria.
  • Israeli airstrikes on sites in Daraa.
  • “Response Coordinators” warn of a huge funding deficit for humanitarian response.

International News:

  • Cyprus: Migrants stranded in the UN-supervised buffer zone.
  • Britain calls on its citizens to leave Lebanon as border tensions escalate.
  • Hezbollah leader assassinated by an Israeli drone strike in southern Beirut.
  • Algeria withdraws its ambassador from France over its recognition of Morocco’s proposal for the Western Sahara region.
  • A young man kills two children with a knife and injures 11 others in Britain.
  • Egyptian-American talks to de-escalate tensions between Lebanon and Israel.
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