Media OfficeNews

News for Tuesday, 2024-07-24.

The SFM’s News:

  • The Economic Office of the Syrian Future Movement published an article titled: “Agriculture in Northern Syria: A Catalyst for Development.”
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a caricature titled: “Syrian Revolution Caricature No. (49).”
  • A cooperation session was launched between Media Zone and the Syrian Future Movement titled: “Media and Youth.”
  • The Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement launched the “Body Language Training.”
  • The Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement launched the “English Language Training Level 3.”
  • The Tawad Educational School series in Afrin continues its intensive activities with its students during the summer period to improve their educational level, address deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year.

Internal News:

  • For the second time in a week, Turkey targets 3 members of the “SDF” in northern Syria.
  • Two members of the Syrian regime forces detained in Sweida.
  • The Ba’ath Party appoints a new head for the Agricultural Engineers Syndicate.
  • Three people die in separate incidents in Latakia.
  • The body of a child found in an Arab well in northern Aleppo.
  • The “Salvation Government” establishes a new university in Idlib.
  • Casualties as a vehicle of Iranian militias targeted by a guided missile in southern Deir ez-Zor.
  • Complaints about poor quality bread in the “Autonomous Administration” bakeries in Hasakah.
  • Assassinations return to Daraa, targeting two young men in Eastern Ghariyah.
  • ISIS intensifies its attacks in northern and eastern Syria with increasing targets on oil tankers.
  • The regime forces bomb four villages in rural Idlib with rigged planes.
  • Two people, including a child, kidnapped in Sweida, southern Syria.

Related News:

  • The Syrian regime’s ambassador in Moscow presents Putin with a Damascus sword.
  • Bogdanov: No information on the possibility of a meeting between Erdogan and Bashar Assad next month.
  • Amnesty International calls on the “Autonomous Administration” to expand the “general amnesty” to include Iraqis.
  • A Saudi official meets with Lavrentiev and members of Pedersen’s office to discuss the Syrian situation.

International News:

  • The “International Criminal Court” announces the acceptance of 64 requests to intervene for the arrest of officials from Israel and Hamas.
  • German police ban an Iran-linked organization and raid the “Blue Mosque.”
  • Random knife attack: Two killed and seven injured in Bingol.
  • The Israeli army announces the end of military maneuvers simulating war scenarios in Lebanon.
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