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Friday News Summary 07-06-24.

SFM News:
The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) issued a statement about the tragic bus crash into the waters of the Orontes River.

Tawad Educational Schools in Afrin continue intensive activities with their students during the summer period to enhance their educational level, address any deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming school year to excel and stand out.
Additionally, in the Syrian Future Movement (SFM), we aim to fill our sons’ and daughters’ time with all that is beneficial and useful, making them effective time and resource managers.

Domestic News:
Sweida Protests: Ongoing public crowds and the discovery of two bombs in the Karama Square.

Escalating assassination wave in Daraa: A young man and a local group leader killed.

Villages without transport in Baniyas, and van drivers control the transport fares.

“The Salvation Government” removes a preacher from speaking and leading prayers in Idlib.

“The Road to al-Hawl” under the mercy of armed gangs, and tribes accuse the Syrian regime forces.

Protests against Jolani: Security grip and arrests motivate the movement in Idlib.

Arbitrary arrests affecting traders in Damascus: The word “dollar” on WhatsApp costs them millions.

A young man dies from a heart stoppage after being detained and tortured in the governorate of Sweida.

Sweida: 9 people killed in various violent incidents and 8 subjected to violations in the past May.

The Syrian Hajj Authority: The responsibility for the health of the travel documents of pilgrims lies with the bearer.

School bus crash in Darkush: A “disaster” that highlighted the medical facilities’ need for support.

Theft operation involving 400 gas cylinders in Damascus.

The Islamic Council condemns factional fighting in Afrin and calls for the removal of headquarters from cities.

Related News:
Russian aircraft conduct patrols and joint aerial training with the Syrian regime in Syrian airspace.

A French appellate court strips the former governor of the Central Bank of Syria of his immunity.

International News:
Washington warns Israel: Escalation in Lebanon could draw in Iran.

Alongside ISIS and Boko Haram, the United Nations decides to include Israel on the blacklist.

Odd behavior from Biden reignites debate about his mental health.

Opposition Iranian media: Revolutionary Guard elements infiltrate European ports with hidden identities.

The Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia sets the date for the Day of Arafat and Eid al-Adha.

António Guterres calls for an immediate ceasefire in southern Lebanon.

The Israeli army completes its control over the Philadelphia Corridor and tightens its siege on Gaza.

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