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Sunday News Summary 07-04-24.

(SFM) News:

The Religious Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a program: “Verse and Purpose (28)” with the title of the episode: “Statistics.”

The Organizational Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a paper titled: “The Syrian Future Movement and Women.”

From the Memory of the Syrian Revolution Office, on 07-04-2018, recalling the events of this day in 2018, where Syrian regime forces committed a massacre using toxic chlorine gas targeting civilians in the city of Douma, resulting in dozens of martyrs and casualties.

The “Tawad” Educational Schools, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continue teaching the curriculum of free basic education to their students in both their locations in the cities of Azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:

The death toll from the attack on Al-Ra’i rises to 4 martyrs.

Jewelry merchants in Syria are required to use a special app in regime-controlled areas.

The Syrian regime government denies registering new deaths from the coronavirus.

Abdullahian visits Damascus to discuss the “consequences of targeting the consulate.”

The Syrian regime promotes drug control and accuses a neighboring country of smuggling drugs into Syria.

Decision to activate two inspection barriers and cancel another on two main roads in Idlib province.

Neighborhood committees in “QSD” impose levies on residents of Hasakah to support the “PKK.”

Children’s deaths spark a battle that claims the lives of 19 people in Sanamein, north of Daraa.

A woman dies and 15 others are injured in traffic accidents in Latakia and Damascus.

Two young men killed by unknown assailants in the town of Yadouda, rural Daraa.

One civilian killed and 9 others injured in 6 traffic accidents northwest of Syria.

The Syrian regime’s Ministry of Interior announces the arrest of a smuggler of migrants “from the Damascus countryside to Libya.”

Three people martyred in a car bomb explosion at a police checkpoint in Al-Ra’i.

The Head of the Lawyers Syndicate: The number of Syrian lawyers exceeds the community’s needs.

Related News:

The New York Times: Iranian support for the Syrian regime is the largest in the Middle East.

An attack with armed drones targets the American base in Tanf.

On the anniversary of the Khan Sheikhoun and Douma attacks, Washington urges accountability for the Syrian regime.

The “Revolutionary Guard” brings in new reinforcements to Syria.

International News:

The Security Council meets to discuss Palestine’s request for full membership in the United Nations.

With $17.5 million, New York settles a lawsuit related to the hijab.

Greece raises its alert level after 71 forest fires break out.

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