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Thursday News Summary 06-06-24.

SFM News:
The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published from the memory of the Syrian Revolution dated 06-06-2012, where on this day in 2012, the Syrian regime forces committed a massacre against civilians in Al-Qubeir village in Hama countryside, claiming the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians, most of them children and women.

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a video titled: Overview of the “FEE TAWAD’DIHM” campaign, Iftaar for the fasting, Ramadan 2024.

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a cartoon titled: Syrian Revolution Cartoon No. (25).

The Towad Educational School chain in Afrin is engaging intensely with its students during the summer period to enhance their education level, address any shortcomings, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year to excel and stand out.

We also aim in the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) to fill our sons’ and daughters’ time with all that is beneficial and useful, making them investors of time and effort.

Domestic News:
Sharp statements from members of the Financial Professions Union in Sweida against “the Ba’ath”.

Dozens of pilgrims return to Syria due to issues with their documentation.

Two young men were assassinated by gunshot in Daraa Governorate.

A kidnapped man’s body was found in Daraa.

Syrian regime forces establish a new security checkpoint at the entrance of Sweida.

Five civilians injured in three separate traffic and fall incidents in northern Syria, including two children.

Temperatures in Syria reach 41 degrees Celsius with warnings against sun exposure.

After American and Turkish warnings, the SDF postpones municipal elections in its controlled areas.

Syrian regime’s Minister of Labor meets his Egyptian counterpart in Geneva.

The second in weeks, “ISIS” carries out a suicide operation against “SDF” forces in Deir Ezzor.

An earthquake hits Al-Hasakah Governorate in northeast Syria.

A protest demanding the release of detainees emerges in Atmeh camps in Idlib.

The Saudi embassy in Damascus resumes its operations after 12 years.

Two factions in the Syrian National Army merge under the name “Division 26”.

Related News:
The French judiciary investigates the role of the former governor of the Central Bank of Syria in financing the regime’s crimes.

Iraqi media: An anticipated meeting between officials from the Syrian regime and Turkey in Baghdad.

The Russian army conducts military drills with the Syrian regime forces.

The European Union provides funding to UNRWA to support cash assistance for Palestinians in Syria.

Azerbaijan retrieves 6 citizens from Syria in coordination with Turkey.

The United States clarifies adjustments to the exemptions from sanctions on the Syrian regime.

International News:
Rapid Support Forces commit a massacre in a village in Al Jazirah state in central Sudan.

Voting begins in the European Parliament elections amid fears of the rise of the far-right.

Spain joins the “genocide” lawsuit against Israel.

South Lebanon: Renewed mutual shelling between “Hezbollah” and Israel.

Eight Palestinians killed by Israeli shelling on a house in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.

The United States announces a significant development in the “F-16” fighter jet deal with Turkey.

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