Media Officetoday news

News for Tuesday, March 5th, 2024:

Party News:

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement published a podcast titled “Syrian Future Movement: Reel (16) – Foundations and Principles of the Syrian Future Movement?”

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement commemorated the memory of the Syrian revolution on March 5th, 2013, where on this day in 2013, the Free Syrian Army took control of the “Al-Ya’rubiyah” border crossing between Iraq and Syria.

The “Tawad” educational schools, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continue to implement the free basic education curriculum for their students in their headquarters in the cities of Azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:

A large number of nursing staff members have leaked from areas controlled by the Syrian regime due to low wages.

A meeting between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Russia, the Syrian regime, and Iranian militias took place in Tell Rifaat.

Following renewed disputes, Asma al-Assad freezes funds and assets belonging to Qatari-backed figures.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights recorded the killing of 78 civilians in February.

Twenty million Captagon pills were seized in Manbij coming from Tartus.

The Syrian regime’s foreign minister is in Cairo to attend an Arab League meeting.

A young man with disabilities was killed during an attempt to arrest him in Daraa.

A patrol of the “Air Intelligence” was targeted in Daraa, and the regime bombed two locations with drones.

Related News:

Israel announces the downing of a drone coming from Syria.

Carl Bildt arrives in the United States for a series of talks to discuss developments in Syria.

Washington demands Russia and the Syrian regime to stop attacks on northwestern Syria.

International News:

Launching a grant program allowing refugees to access Italy for educational purposes.

With the highest toll in nine years, Iran executed 834 people in 2023.

The Biden administration calls on Israel to provide a timetable for ending the war on Gaza.

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