Media Officetoday news

Sunday, February 4, 2024, News.

(SFM) News:
The Office of the Presidency of the Syrian Future Movement released Podcast (4) titled: The Citizen.

The Tawad Educational Schools series within the Syrian Future Movement resumes official schooling.

As part of SFM Papers, the Organizational Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a paper titled: The Syrian Future Movement and Freedom.

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement published from the Memory of the Syrian Revolution 02-04-2013, noting that on this day in 2013, the Lebanese judiciary issued an in absentia arrest warrant against Syrian General Ali Mamlouk for transferring explosives from Syria to Lebanon in the car of the former Lebanese minister Michel Samaha.

The Tawad Educational Schools series, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continues its program of teaching free basic education courses to its students at both its locations in the cities of A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:
The National Army displays scenes of direct confrontations in Afrin, where 12 members of “SDF” were killed.

Across the border.. Only 43 aid trucks enter northwestern Syria in January.

Exchange of fire between Iranian militias in Deir ez-Zor.

The Free Syrian Army steps in to prevent drug smuggling towards Jordan.

Three people die in a military bus crash in rural Hama.

Disappearance of essential medicine varieties in Latakia “as a precursor to price hikes”.

23 people killed in Sweida last month, half of them children and women.

Related News:
A meeting of the UN Security Council regarding the American strikes in Syria and Iraq.

The Israeli Army: We bombed 50 targets of “Hezbollah” in Syria and 3400 in Lebanon.

International News:
The American “Army of God” rallies in Texas protesting the influx of immigrants from Mexico.

The Egyptian Foreign Minister during a press conference with his French counterpart: A timeframe must be set for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza: 27365 Palestinians were killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza since October 7.

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