Media Officetoday news

Saturday News Summary 02/03/24.

(SFM) News:
“The Presidency Office has issued a congratulatory message on the occasion of the World Civil Defense Day.”

The Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement published an article titled: “The Necessity of Raising Awareness about Climate Change in Syria.”

The Organizational Office of the Syrian Future Movement issued a paper titled: “The Syrian Future Movement and Science (1).”

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement recalled the memory of the Syrian Revolution on March 2, 2021, highlighting the call by the United Nations General Assembly to end the conflict, achieve justice and accountability in Syria, and release detainees, in accordance with Security Council Resolution 2254.

Domestic News:

Unions and Free Federations in Aleppo demand restructuring of the “Civil Society Chamber.”

The “Spiritual Presidency” in Sweida condemns the “bloody” actions of the Syrian regime and emphasizes the peaceful nature of the movement.

The “Syrian Network” documents 86 cases of enforced disappearance by the Syrian regime forces during February.

Russian aircraft target Jisr al-Shughour, while the Syrian regime shells positions in southern Idlib.

Turkish media reports on a meeting between Bashar al-Assad and Erdogan in Moscow, which is later denied by sources.

Cases of the deadly “Bird Flu” recorded in Damascus.

Turkey rejects accusations by Human Rights Watch of committing violations in Syria.

“The Revolutionary Youth” burns down the headquarters of the Kurdish Nationalist in Ain al-Arab.

Related News:

With Iran’s non-participation, the Antalya Diplomatic Forum discusses the Syrian issue in the presence of the Syrian opposition.

The US envoy to the coalition: There is no diplomatic cooperation or contact with the Syrian regime.

The German envoy to Syria emphasizes the necessity of accountability in the killing of activist Heba Haji Aref.

Pedersen: Russian role increased in Syria, along with Israeli airstrikes and drug trafficking.

International News:

A British ship sinks in the Red Sea 12 days after being targeted by the Houthis.

Accused of extremism and supporting “Hamas,” Sonak threatens to revoke residence permits from Israel’s opponents.

Report: Hamas delegation to submit response to Egypt on the new ceasefire proposal.

35,000 meals: America conducts its first aerial drop of aid in Gaza.

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