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Saturday News Summary 01-06-24.

SFM News:
The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) recalls from the memory of the Syrian Revolution on June 1, 2012, when on this day in 2012, demonstrations broke out across Syria under the banner “Children of Houla, Torches of Victory,” in response to the Houla massacre committed by the Syrian regime on May 25, 2012.

The “Tawad” educational schools chain, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement (SFM), continues to offer a free basic education program to its students at its facilities in A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:
47 civilians martyred in Syria during May 2024, including 15 under torture.

The Civil Defense warns against swimming in rivers and lakes in northwestern Syria.

“Kurdish Independents Association” documents the abduction of 30 Syrian boys by the SDF since the beginning of 2024.

A massive fire breaks out at a textile factory in Al-Hasakah.

Gradual rise in temperatures in Syria with warnings against fires and exposure to sunlight.

50 fires break out in Sweida within a week, consuming thousands of dunams.

A project launched in Idlib to perform 100 open heart surgeries.

With a new tactic, ISIS attacks a headquarters of the Liwa al-Quds east of Deir ez-Zor, killing 4.

43 people killed in Daraa during May, including a child and three women.

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham reveals the identities of those who assassinated al-Qahtani.

Ambulances rush to aid children under 10 in Deir ez-Zor after consuming drugs.

The first batches of pilgrims from northern Syria head for the Hajj pilgrimage.

17 fires in one day in northwestern Syria.

Jarabulus crossing warns of fraud scams under the guise of registration for a visit to Syria.

The National Army captures an ISIS cell in A’azaz and seizes weapons and explosives.

The Interim Government condemns the elections of the “Autonomous Administration”.

Related News:
Geir Pedersen discusses with Barbara Leaf the “Step-by-Step” initiative and the resumption of the Syrian constitutional process.

Two organizations pledge to pressure the Biden administration regarding the killing of “al-Mutni” in Syrian regime prisons.

Iraqi Prime Minister: We are coordinating with Assad and Erdogan for reconciliation between the Syrian regime and Turkey.

Turkey adopts ongoing and comprehensive operations in Syria and Iraq as a new security concept.

International News:
Egyptian media: Cairo hosts a US-Israeli meeting to discuss reopening the Rafah crossing.

Fidan: Turkey rejects NATO’s involvement in the Ukraine war.

“The godfather of Iranian oil smuggling”.. The British judiciary sentences a Syrian ship owner to prison.

International welcome and Israeli obstinacy.. Hamas welcomes Biden’s proposal to end the war.

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