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Wednesday News Summary 01-05-24.

(SFM) News:

The Presidency Office of the Syrian Future Movement published an article titled: “A New Approach, or a New UN Envoy!”.

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement issued congratulations on the occasion of International Labor Day.

The Syrian Future Movement Office in Azaz called for a dialogue session titled “The Impact of Media on Society”.

The “Tawad” Educational Schools, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continue to implement the free basic education curriculum for their students in their headquarters in the cities of A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:

Dozens suffer from poisoning in the town of Tall in the Damascus countryside due to water pollution.

New electricity pricing for the northern and eastern countryside of Aleppo.

A member of the SDF tries to kidnap a young woman in Raqqa city; civilians intervene and rescue her.

Controversy over the number of accepted pilgrims from within the areas of the Syrian regime.

With fears of military escalation, cautious anticipation and meetings in Sweida.

Riad Hijab criticizes the Biden administration’s obstruction of the project against normalization with Assad.

Faisal Mekdad urges the Czech Republic to convey the “true image of others”.

Violence escalates in Daraa, with 72 killed, including 11 children, in April.

Drone and artillery strikes target the western countryside of Aleppo.

After Sweida and northern Syria, the Damascus countryside records scorpion sting injuries.

The regime officially inaugurates the first recruitment center in Damascus.

The Syrian Network documents the killing of 68 civilians in Syria in April 2024.

Russia once again targets two bases of the Free Syrian Army in Idlib.

Ethan Goldrich: Iran and Russia’s support for the Syrian regime hinders the implementation of Resolution 2254.

The Credit Fund initiates a new program to support livelihoods in Deir ez-Zor, northeastern Syria.

Related News:

Najat Rashdi: Resolution 2254 is the only agreed-upon framework for a comprehensive settlement in Syria.

European Crisis Commissioner: The Syrian fabric is disintegrating, and the Assad regime bears responsibility.

Iranian militias establish new military points near Deir ez-Zor airport.

Three members of the “Nujaba Movement” killed in an ISIS attack east of Deir ez-Zor.

International News:

Germany is prosecuting an extremist right-wing group accused of attempting a coup.

The Economist: The return of jihadists across the world.

The US police raid Columbia University and arrest dozens of protesters.

Davutoglu meets Haniyeh and Mishaal in Istanbul to discuss developments in Gaza.

With the presence of the Queen of the Netherlands, the “Beautiful Chaos” restaurant opens its doors to train refugees.

The British deportation law to Rwanda pushes refugees to move to Ireland and live in tents.

A fire inside a restaurant in central Beirut kills 11 and injures others.

Al-Qassam announces targeting military gatherings in southern Israel.

Fidan: Turkey has decided to join the lawsuit against Israel for genocide.

Guterres calls for international pressure to prevent an Israeli military operation in Rafah.

The Jordanian army announces foiling an attempt by four individuals to infiltrate from Syria.

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