Political Bureau research and studiesPolitical office

A Third Option Beyond the Iranian and Israeli Axes

Those who follow Syrian platforms and the comments and conflicts occurring among Syrians themselves might think that the issue is not merely a pomegranate, but hearts filled with emotion, as the proverb goes!

Some support the Palestinians and see Iran as providing them aid and fighting on their side, while others support the Palestinians but believe Iran is merely exploiting the Palestinian cause. Each camp determines its compass towards supporting the Palestinian cause, whether it involves injustice or victimhood, and they consider what Hamas has been doing as a sacred jihad.

On the other hand, some see the Al-Aqsa Flood operation as a Hamas mistake, or even folly, committed by the resistance after being deceived by Iran!! Others go further, seeing it as a conspiracy agreed upon between Iran and Likud, making the operation itself a pretext for Israel to annihilate Gaza and displace and kill its people. In this camp too, some Syrians see Iran as an enemy not only to them but also to the Arab and Muslim nations.

Amidst our continuous observation of this debate between the two Syrian factions in the virtual space, we marvel at several issues:
1- Intellectual authoritarianism, and the inability to tolerate the existence of differing political opinions, to the extent of throwing accusations and claims of treachery.
2- Giving away free stances, whether to the Iranian axis or the Israeli axis, while in truth, as Syrians, we are not concerned with this conflict, except for our sympathy for our people in Gaza suffering from the devastating war! The Palestinian issue has become something we can only offer moral sympathy for, or some relief efforts as feasible.
3- Imaginary disagreements have created a deep trench and rift between Syrians, which was unnecessary, especially since our common concern is Syria, which is nearly lost. The Syrian issue is no longer a priority for the international community nor under the media spotlight that would place it at the heart of events as is the case with Palestine at all times!

So, what is the third option, other than aligning with or against the Iranian or even Israeli axes?
Perhaps non-alignment is a solution for those satisfied with spectating! But for those involved in politics, always innovating solutions out of nothing is the norm!! If we exclude the grey area, and we exclude aligning with Israel or opposing Iran, or vice versa, then we have no choice but to turn to (the Arab depth).

Yes… Syria is a country in its Arab surroundings with its own identity and belonging, despite the presence of different nationalities within it, and even those nationalities find their interest in committing to the Arab depth, firstly Syrian, and regionally secondly.

The Arab stance on the Palestinian issue still acts as a shield from every wild shard, and an iron dome from every expected domination, whether from the arrows of the Iranian axis or the spears of the Israeli axis, sooner or later. The Arab League does not accept joining the Iranian axis under any circumstances, as it would mean its dissolution forever. It also works hard, within what is feasible, to innovate sustainable solutions through the international system, aiming for a just and comprehensive peace for the Palestinian issue. Whether these efforts succeed or fail, betting on a country like Syria and its central and declared stance (despite the people’s struggle against its regime) remains the safest and clearest path, and this strategy has several benefits:
1- Strengthening ties with the Arab depth, and not involving Syrians in axes and polarizations they are better off without (especially in their current situation).
2- The Arab stance stems from strategic goals of large regional countries, experienced in the deep kitchens of international politics, and thus linking our train to their tracks is the wisest and best choice for now and the future.
3- Not considering Syria (at least outside the control of the Syrian regime) as a danger to the Arab depth or as antagonizing it, or adopting positions contrary to it!!
4- Believing that the final solution will only come through the international system for the Palestinian issue, in which the Arab and Islamic League will play a part, and thus the Iranian and Israeli axes will ultimately return to the playground of the Arab countries, including Syria, at any strategic juncture, whether it involves international intervention or a tendency towards ending one of the causes of instability in the Middle East and the ongoing cycles of conflict!

Mohammed Jumaa Laheeb
Political Office
Research and Studies Department
Syrian Future Movement

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