Political officeStatement Political office

Concerning the Escalating Popular Mobilization in Regime-Controlled Areas

Syrian Future Movement
Political Office
Statement No: ( 2023.08.04 )
Issued on: 2023.08.19

“Concerning the Escalating Popular Mobilization in Regime-Controlled Areas”

The demonstrations in the provinces of Daraa and Suwayda, preceded by the August 10 movement, coupled with vehement remarks from Alawite activists, calls for a public mobilization, and a strike appeal across various districts in Damascus and the coastal region, are protests against the tragic state that Syria has reached in general, and especially in the areas under the Syrian regime’s control. This comes after the regime’s leader, Bashar al-Assad, claimed that they are now circumventing the international economic sanctions imposed upon them, asserting that these sanctions no longer have the adverse impact they once did, following their purported triumph over a global conspiracy and their return to the Arab League. However, the nation’s economic reality starkly contrasts with what the Syrian regime propagates through its media channels and propaganda outlets. The file currently being reviewed by the civil executive entity in Damascus, labeled 3237/2023 and submitted by “Kinda Mohammad Makhlouf” — in which she demands millions of dollars as a part of her inheritance — serves as a poignant reminder to Syrians of the vast sums of Syrian money that is exclusively enjoyed by the Syrian regime (deposited in global banks), whether as an entire family of branches and origins, or as individuals associated with the regime. This is in addition to the warlords who have, and continue to, benefit from the protraction of the internal conflict to plunder the remaining national resources and assets.

  • The Future Syrian Movement stands by its Syrian people internally and announces that their demands and today’s popular mobilization is something we fully support and back as Syrians everywhere. We commend their management and direction, encouraging them to proceed as they see fit.
  • The Future Syrian Movement believes that this popular mobilization is an inevitable result of the regime’s failed policies in governing the country. This comes despite its claims of victory on one hand, and despite the country being emptied of two-thirds of its people due to the conflict and its complications.
    “The Syrian Future Movement perceives the allies of the Syrian regime as thieves who have drained, and continue to drain, Syrian resources in the areas under the regime’s influence as well as their own areas of influence. Thus, in their view, the Syrian regime is no longer a strategic ally for them; rather, it has become a war booty that they share amongst themselves. Meanwhile, the regime is left with mere scraps from these ravenous wolves.”

“The Syrian Future Movement holds the Syrian regime responsible for its misguided choices in selecting allies and patrons. They believe that these allies have never and will never provide any assistance that would alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people in the regime-controlled areas. Instead, they have exacerbated the situation, leading to increased deprivation, poverty, hunger, and pain for the people.

  • The Syrian Future Movement warns Syrians in the areas controlled by the Syrian regime against the regime’s exploitation of their popular movement. The regime may use this as a pretext to tighten its security grip on them and their children. They caution against the possibility of infiltrators performing acts that would give the regime an excuse to crush their peaceful movement, as happened in 2011.
  • The Syrian Future Movement places the onus on the Syrian regime for its failure to rescue Syrians in its territories. They call on the regime to acknowledge this and work towards finding a comprehensive political solution that leads Syrians to salvation.”
  • The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes that the Syrian regime has become a complicating factor in the overall political scene, not to mention that it is the root of the Syrian dilemma. Therefore, it is no longer capable of steering the governance and finding acceptable and rational solutions. A change in leadership is both necessary and obligatory.
  • The Syrian Future Movement calls upon the Syrian people of all spectrums and wherever they are located, to assist their Syrian brethren in the areas controlled by the regime, using all legitimate means possible. This ensures that their movement has a positive impact, has an audible voice, and serves as a foundation to overcome the regime’s plots in exploiting this spontaneous peaceful public movement, or distorting or annihilating it.
  • The Syrian Future Movement urges the international community to exert pressure on the allies of the Syrian regime to accept a comprehensive political solution as per United Nations Resolution 2254.
  • The Syrian Future Movement highlights the impossibility of Syrian refugees returning to areas under the Syrian regime in the current circumstances. It warns against these returnees becoming fodder for the regime’s war against its own people, either by forcibly conscripting them or directing them towards the sedition which the regime expertly stirs, aiming to execute sinister plots leading to internal strife among the nation’s citizens.
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