Political officeStatement Political office

Statement of the Syrian Future Movement regarding the re-election of Mr. Badr Jamous as the head of the Negotiations Body

Syrian Future Movement (SFM)
Political office
Statement No (01-08-23)
Issued on: 06/08/2023

The Syrian Future Movement values the principle of elections but criticizes the continuation of the same figures in their positions, as if the Syrian opposition lacks active and influential political personalities.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the conduct of elections for the Negotiations Body within Syria as a step in the right direction, even though it comes late.

The Syrian Future Movement calls on all political entities and forces to establish real and active offices within Syria, as it is the natural incubator for the central cause and the Syrian opposition entities.

The Syrian Future Movement urges all Syrian political forces to consider Syrian territory as a possible venue for periodic negotiations between the opposition and the regime under the auspices of the United Nations, alternating between opposition and regime-controlled areas and with international guarantees.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for welcoming all media channels from both parties to attend all negotiation meetings and broadcast their proceedings to the Syrian people, granting them freedom of movement and work without security restrictions.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that negotiations between the opposition and the Syrian regime on homeland soil pave the way for more desired positives on all levels, leading to a new political phase aligned with the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

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