Political officepress release / Statement of Political office

Regarding the forced deportation of Syrian refugees from Turkey

The Syrian Future Movement expresses its astonishment at the current Turkish policy of forcibly deporting our Syrian refugee brethren back to Syria (under the pretext of voluntary return).

The Syrian Future Movement sees the ongoing deportation operations as a blatant violation of the principle of non-refoulement, which prohibits states from returning refugees to places where their lives, freedoms, and even dignity are threatened. It also constitutes a violation of the Turkish-European agreement, which obliges Turkey to protect Syrian refugees on its territory.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the need to rely on the international statements and investigations, as well as human rights organizations’ reports, such as those issued by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry and the Syrian Organization for Human Rights, Human Rights Watch, and others. All of these reports indicate that Syria is an unsafe country for the return of refugees due to the continuation of the war and instability, whether in areas controlled by the Syrian regime or in areas outside its control.

The Syrian Future Movement mourns the scenes of Syrians being detained in streets, markets, hospitals, and universities, and their transfer to overcrowded and unhealthy detention centers, where they are deprived of food, drink, and healthcare, and subjected to beatings, humiliation, and extortion.

The Syrian Future Movement still believes in the Syrian-Turkish brotherhood and the necessity of its continuity due to the strategic and pivotal interests it holds for both peoples and the region as a whole.

The Syrian Future Movement warns that the continuation of these irresponsible practices will lead to the disintegration of refugee families, leaving children and women without providers if men continue to be taken to deportation centers, increasing their suffering and vulnerability. It poses a threat to their safety and security first and foremost, as well as creating social and humanitarian problems at the local, regional, and international levels.

The Syrian Future Movement holds Turkey responsible for not finding a legal formula that protects the rights of Syrian refugees, ensuring a dignified and safe life for them and their families, without exploiting the tragedy of the Syrian people to achieve political, economic, or security interests.

The Syrian Future Movement demands the cessation of deportation operations, the release of all detainees, and the reunification of separated families. It also calls for the respect of the rights of Syrian refugees and the implementation of international standards in their treatment.

The Syrian Future Movement expresses its readiness to meet with all Turkish political leaders, including the opposition, to clearly explain its position, understand the reasons behind forced deportation and its negative repercussions on individuals and society, and outline a joint plan within a well-thought-out action plan that achieves what Turkey wants (without compromising the rights of Syrian refugees residing on its territory for years).

The Syrian Future Movement appeals to the international community to intervene immediately and urgently to resolve this crisis and support efforts to reach a peaceful solution to the Syrian issue. It reaffirms its adoption and commitment to the just cause of the Syrian people and believes that its leading role requires it to raise its voice to demand the rights of Syrians. It calls on all Syrian organizations, parties, and movements to exert pressure to stop the series of forced deportation of Syrian refugees in Turkey.

The Syrian Future Movement expresses its appreciation to all those who stand by the Syrian people in these difficult circumstances and emphasizes that the only solution to end the suffering of refugees lies in implementing the contents of the Geneva Communique and UN Resolution 2254.

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