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Generation Alpha

Generation Alpha is considered the generation that grew up with digital technology, surrounded by smartphones and tablets from an early age. Represented by children born in 2010 and onwards, research shows that 80% of Generation Alpha members own electronic devices, spending an average of 2-5 hours per day in front of screens. They prefer electronic games that combine the thrill of excitement with social interaction, illustrating their high level of awareness of the gaming world, understanding of live streaming, and comprehensive knowledge of popular games, which has led them to engage in gaming from a young age. This reality has become imposed among this generation’s members.
Thus, ignoring the needs of Generation Alpha will have significant future implications, as Australian social researcher Mark McCrindle, who coined the term “Generation Alpha,” asserts that their lives will be qualitatively different from ours.

The Difference Between Generation Z and Generation Alpha:
The differences between human generations used to require significant time, alongside massive political and economic changes. However, in our era, due to technological advancements and changes in lifestyle, the differences have become more pronounced. Therefore, there is a significant difference between the previous generation, referred to as “Generation Z” in a previous article, and the current new generation (Generation Alpha), including:
1- Unlike Generation Z, Generation Alpha does not exhibit a technology obsession because they have integrated technology into their lives, making it no longer a novelty that needs to be discovered.
2- Generation Alpha possesses a greater degree of freedom and independence in assimilating values and aspiring to participate in building a better future for society.
3- Generation Alpha is indifferent to differences, viewing humanity as a whole.
4- They have a high capacity for creativity and innovation using technology, making them difficult to control.
5- Gaming is seen as an opportunity for self-expression, creativity, and skill demonstration by Generation Alpha, a generation shaped by algorithms and artificial intelligence, as indicated by a report published by Hotwire and Wired Consulting. This report mentioned that some AI devices and games are specifically targeted at “Generation Alpha,” such as “Hello Barbie” and “Hatchimals.”

Generation Alpha and Revolution:
This generation has characteristics that warrant careful study, including:
1- A greater materialistic drive and interest in economics in their own way.
2- More demanding and in pursuit of acquiring everything they deem important.
3- Considered smarter than previous generations due to technological advancements that have practically evolved their brains, a point emphasized by Michael Merzenich, a neuroscience professor at the University of California, who argued against the notion that technology leads to stupidity. Instead, he highlighted that technology has been a significant factor in the development of intelligence in dimensions yet to be fully understood, polishing new skills for the human brain, freeing the mind from minor tasks, and allowing for focus on more profound tasks.
4- Less racist and more open to diversity compared to other generations, with a greater belief in values of equality and justice, and a stronger concern for the environment.
5- Studies indicate that this generation’s dominance over the political landscape will become apparent by 2050.

Therefore, as we are amidst revolutions that have yet to mature, a disconnect between our generation and Generation Alpha may emerge through the following:
1- Their indifference to the political reality and their preference for building their personal lives according to their vision.
2- Their focus on communication and interaction within Generation Alpha, prioritizing it over current political states and the divisions it has caused.
3- Their lack of revolutionary identity, unlike our generation, and their inclination to adapt to the current reality without concern for national problems.
4- Their perception of Syrian opposition leaders being similar to Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

This situation could lead to a weakened national and revolutionary scene, facing a generation more concerned with material and economic needs. Their search for justice and equality may be limited or driven by their needs, thus they would not have issues with their rulers, but rather with those who can meet their material needs. In their view, justice is about accessing their material needs, and equality is about receiving those needs.

Given the complexity of today’s political landscape, their individualistic and superficial outlook will likely shift their focus away from the intricacies of political scenes, making them the least active and influential generation politically.

Negatives of Generation Alpha:
The negatives of this generation include:
1- Impatience and an inability to tolerate reality due to the unmet demands.
2- The emergence of superficial influence and the importance of superficiality.
3- Loss of national and religious belonging, adapting to an undisciplined open liberalism.
4- The early learning of multiple skills in addition to school education might rob this generation of their childhood, potentially leading to higher rates of depression and stress.
5- A significant knowledge gap between the parents’ generation and Generation Alpha, possibly leading to a lack of communication between them.

In about twenty-five years, Generation Alpha will take over control of the world, a dominance that we must pay attention to and study now to prevent ourselves from being left out of the general scene. This is to avoid reaching a stage where we are controlled through artificial intelligence and algorithms tailored by Generation Alpha.

Ignoring the new Generation Alpha would be a loss to our future, if not our present. Hence, we at the Office of Family Affairs in the Syrian Future Movement recommend the initiation of university and academic social studies and genuine statistics about the reality of this generation in Syria. It’s crucial to benefit from the global perspective on this generation by minimizing the roles of sectarianism, ethnicity, and tribalism that have plagued our country. We emphasize significantly activating this generation’s civic mindset and establishing its developmental mentality, focusing on environmental justice issues, making Generation Alpha a solution to the Syrian issue, not a neutral or destructive factor.

We must also highlight the danger of artificial intelligence in threatening the job market, necessitating directed guidance towards new skills and different ways of thinking. Films like T.I.M and others illustrate the potential dangers of artificial intelligence that need to be heeded, avoiding entrusting Generation Alpha with an unknown professional future.

In addition to the above, we in the Syrian Future Movement recommend the following:

  • Engaging the new generation in social activities.
  • Enhancing Generation Alpha’s awareness of the role of social media, and setting specific restrictions on dealing with screens and electronic devices.
  • Avoiding authoritarian educational practices, instead opting for wise and prudent guidance.
  • Shedding more light on the imminent threat of the climate crisis facing this generation.
  • Addressing the problems of Generation Z, in addition to solving the anticipated issues of Generation Alpha, including feelings of loneliness, lack of trust, excessive ambition, a desire for fame, and irresponsible behavior for attention.

Finally, we must believe in the ability of both Generations Z and Alpha to possess the elements of success and activate their desire to make a positive change in Syria, supporting them in shaping their future within their homeland.

Elias Abdul Maseeh
Office of Family Affairs
Syrian Future Movement

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