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Statement Regarding the Bombardment by the Syrian Regime on the City of Idlib and its Countryside

The Syrian Future Movement condemns the ongoing bombardment by the Syrian regime on Idlib city and its countryside, which resulted in the martyrdom of at least 6 of its residents.

The Syrian Future Movement holds the Syrian regime responsible for this bloodshed and calls for activating its accountability through relevant international courts.

The Syrian Future Movement observes that the lives of Syrians and Palestinians do not seem to be protected in their countries, as those in power, both here and there, appear to be adversaries to the people (sons of the land and honor).

The Syrian Future Movement holds both Russia and Iran partly responsible for the killing of civilians and warns of the threat posed by the continuation of de-escalation agreements!

The Syrian Future Movement is astonished by the inaction of Turkish politicians in taking a decisive and clear stance on the violation of de-escalation truces in Idlib.

The Syrian Future Movement holds all military factions responsible for not finding a temporary formula to impose rules of engagement that protect civilians from the Syrians in the north, outside the control of the Syrian regime, and imposing some form of balance on the ground until a comprehensive political solution is reached.

The Syrian Future Movement condemns the silence of global, Arab, and Islamic media channels in covering the events and massacres in Syria, and their failure to allocate a daily segment to shed light on what is happening there (while news of our people’s tragedy in Palestine, especially in Gaza, occupies most of the time and attention).

The Syrian Future Movement extends its deepest condolences to the families of the martyrs, praying that they are accepted as martyrs of the nation and the just cause.

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