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The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) held a communal iftar in the city of Marea, north of Aleppo

In an atmosphere filled with joy and enthusiasm, amidst revolutionary chants and the spiritual ambiance of Ramadan, the Syrian Future Movement (SFM), within its campaign [Fee Tawaddihm], organized a large public student iftar. This event saw the attendance of several notable figures, including ministers and officials from government institutions and civil society organizations. It took place last Saturday, the 13th of Ramadan, corresponding to May 23, in the city of Marea in the northern countryside of Aleppo.

The Ramadan iftar celebration commenced at 6:00 PM. The event was hosted by media personality Mr. “Ammar Al-Takleh,” who welcomed the attendees. The opening segment featured a recitation of verses from the Quran by student “Musa Al-Shabib.” This was followed by a welcoming speech and an introduction to the [Fee Tawaddihm] campaign initiative, sponsored by the Syrian Future Movement (SFM). The speech was delivered by activist and media personality “Mohammad Munir Nasser,” the director and supervisor of the [Fee Tawaddihm] campaign in Marea.

Following this, “Abdullah Za’in,” the director of the SFM’s president’s office inside Syria, delivered a brief speech. He welcomed the attendees on behalf of the Syrian Future Movement and its president, then provided a concise overview of the SFM’s philosophy and approach. A revolutionary singing performance by “Abu Adel” followed.

“Abu Hamza Eyad,” the director of the Public Relations office for the SFM within Syria, then presented a commemorative shield in honor and appreciation of the martyr Abdul Qader Saleh (Hajji Marea) and his family, acknowledging his contributions to the Syrian revolution.

Additionally, the Minister of Finance in the Syrian Interim Government, Dr. Abdel Hakim Al-Masri, gave a speech highlighting the crucial role of university students in society. He reminisced about the early days of the Syrian revolution and emphasized the youth’s responsibility in safeguarding its achievements. This was followed by a religious talk by Sheikh “Mohammad Al-Khatib,” and then a singing segment by the revolution’s singer “Abu Maher Saleh.” The event concluded with a closing prayer by Sheikh “Mohammad Khalil Hafez” before the Maghrib call to prayer.

The attendees then moved to the iftar banquet on the second floor of the hall, where the number of guests exceeded 300. This included university students, official governmental figures, civil society institution representatives, and religious scholars.

It is worth mentioning that the Syrian Future Movement has launched several activities during the current Ramadan month. These include iftar meals for those fasting, distribution of dates and bread, and many group iftars as part of its annual Ramadan campaign [Fee Tawaddihm]. The aim is to comfort students away from their families, bolster the bonds of brotherhood among the Syrian people in northern Syria, and alleviate their additional financial burdens during this month of generosity.

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