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The Syrian Future Movement Holds Iftar Dinner for the Fasting at Its Office in A’azaz City

On the eighth day of the blessed month of Ramadan, dated March 18, 2024, the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) organized an iftar dinner for the fasting at their office headquarters in the city of Azaz. Invitations were sent out to various groups, including the White Hands team along with their leader, Mr. Rami Shardoub, and the Youth for Good organization, totaling about forty invitees.

Mr. Abdullah Za’ein, the office manager for the Syrian Future Movement’s president within Syria, greeted the invitees before the Maghrib prayer on behalf of the SFM’s president, Dr. Zaher Ba’adran. They performed the Maghrib prayer in congregation, then proceeded to the iftar meal. Following the meal, a brotherly and dialogical session took place, discussing several key points:

Firstly, Mr. Eyad Za’ein, the director of the Public Relations Office at the SFM, spoke about the 13th anniversary of the blessed Syrian revolution, touching on both the positive and negative aspects observed over the years. This sparked a group discussion among all attendees.

Secondly, guest speaker Dr. Ammar Al-Takleh talked about the role and importance of media, leading to an engaging and constructive debate on the topic.
Further discussions among the attendees covered the significance of education in building individuals and the nation, as well as justice, security, stability, freedom, the necessity of creating job opportunities for the youth, and the role of young people in shaping the future.

The guests thanked the Syrian Future Movement for the invitation, the warm welcome, and the hospitality, expressing a wish for such gatherings to recur.

Mr. Abdullah, the office manager for the SFM in Syria, affirmed that the doors of the Syrian Future Movement and its offices are always open to any idea or initiative that serves the Syrian cause and the building of our nation on solid and strong foundations.

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