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Honorable Samih Shqeir, Ambassador of Syrian Revolutionary Art

The artist Samih Shqeir was born in the city of Sweida in 1957.

  • He studied at a high institute of music in Ukraine.
  • He began his artistic journey in 1982, where he participated in the International Festival of Committed Song in Algeria and released his first musical collection in 1983 titled (For Whom I Sing), his second in 1984 titled (With a Guitar in My Hand), his third in 1985 titled (Your Throats), his fourth in 1987 titled (The Sound of Our Steps), his fifth in 1990 titled (Flower of the Sands), his sixth in 1998 titled (My Era), and he produced two collections for children’s songs titled (Skirt) and (Apple), and he has a poetry collection titled (One Star).
  • He has participated in several international festivals and concerts around the world.
  • He contributed to the Syrian revolution with his art from its first year, releasing his famous Syrian song (Ya Haif), which became a chant for the revolting Syrian people and still is.
  • He has never affiliated with any political party, instead maintaining his national, revolutionary, and committed art.
  • He has various revolutionary songs like (Thank You Conferences), and his most recent (Every Time I Intended, You Can).

In recognition of his committed artistic history, his national and revolutionary stance, and his solidarity with his people in their revolution against injustice and tyranny, and in appreciation of Syria’s prominent figures and men, we at the Syrian Future Current present this week to the Ambassador of Syrian Revolutionary Art, “Samih Shqeir,” a symbolic Syrian shield that carries our vision and inclusive national approach.

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