Condolence StatementPresidency office

Condolences for the Victims of the Terrorist Attack in Moscow

The city of Krasnogorsk, in the suburbs of the Russian capital Moscow, was subjected to a terrorist attack carried out by an armed group, resulting in the death and injury of dozens of innocent civilians.

The Syrian Future Movement condemns all forms of killing of unarmed civilians anywhere in the world, which we have suffered from in Syria due to the practices of the Syrian regime and its allies, including Russia, and continue to do so.

The Syrian Future Movement denounces the exploitation of the terrorist groups’ card by global war merchants, with their messages sealed in the blood of the innocent.

Starting from its Syrian national responsibility, the Syrian Future Movement calls upon the entire world to stop the collapse of global security and peace, identify the direct and indirect causes and culprits, contain and besiege their expansion, out of concern for the future of humanity.

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