Activities and Events officeCapacity Building and Self-Development DepartmentScientific office

Completion of the “Prosody” training.

In the eighth month of 2024:

☆ The training targeted a number of university students, with a total of 20 male and female trainees, and included 20 training hours distributed over 5 days.
☆ The aim and purpose of launching the training: to build the capacities of Syrian youth in the field of the Arabic language, refine their speech, correct their mistakes, and increase their vocabulary with new words and meanings.
☆ Type of training: Physical, where the trainees attended at the headquarters of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) office in the city of A‘azaz, north of Aleppo, and learned:

  • The principles of prosody.
  • Poetic meters.
  • Poetic music.
  • Common mistakes and their correction.

The training concluded at the end of the fifth day and achieved its objectives, with a survey conducted among the trainees to evaluate the training:
location – scientific content – trainer.
The results were positive, and the trainees expressed that the evaluation process was highly professional.

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