Activities and Events officeCapacity Building and Self-Development DepartmentScientific office

Completion of the “Entering the Job Market” training

The purpose and goal of launching the training: Building the capacities of women to enter the job market and acquire new personal and technical skills that help them find the right place.
Type of training: Physical, where the trainees were present in a training hall in Afrin, north of Aleppo, and learned the following skills:

  • Distinguishing between personal and technical skills
  • Understanding what digital literacy is
  • Understanding emotional intelligence
  • Understanding critical thinking
  • Understanding communication skills and their types
  • Understanding types of data
  • The concept of digital marketing
  • Writing and content creation.

The training concluded on the fourth day and achieved its objectives by conducting a survey of the trainees, evaluating the training:

  • Location
  • Scientific material
  • Trainer

The results were positive, and they expressed that the evaluation method was highly professional, with each trainee writing their evaluation on a form detailing the positives, negatives, and challenges faced during the training.

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