Educational projectsScientific officeTawad Educational SchoolTawad Schools "Afrin"

Education within the Syrian Future Movement Program to Save the Children of Inner Syria

During the Syrian revolution, it became evident that the Syrian regime intentionally targeted the educational process in Syria, showing blatant disregard for the repercussions of destroying it or denying children their right to education.
This indifference blatantly ignored all international norms and treaties on children’s rights.

In Syria, school doors were not closed arbitrarily; this was a result of the systematic destruction of all areas that fell out of the Syrian regime’s control, where they were subjected to bombardment and direct targeting with various types of weapons.
This included targeting educated children on their way to and from schools, using fear and pressure on their families to prevent them from sending their children to school or educating them.

Despite the challenging conditions and extremely limited resources, the Syrian Future Movement has been working tirelessly to ensure the continuation of our children’s education inside Syria.
The complexity of the issue increased with the recent displacement of about a million people due to the brutal bombing by the Syrian regime and its allies, leading to thousands of children dropping out of school once again.
Another significant challenge has been the inability of schools in the liberated areas of rural Idlib and Aleppo to accommodate the increasing number of students.
The scarcity of support and logistics also posed a real threat and obstacle in itself!

The Syrian Future Movement, over the past years and until today, has successfully reintegrated a large number of boys and girls who had dropped out back into their classrooms and educational seats.

The Syrian Future Movement has developed a comprehensive plan for multiple educational programs, ensuring our sons and daughters catch up with education in regular schools and reducing their dropout rates, especially in the displacement camps in northwest Syria. Targeted students are subjected to a free compensatory education project, enabling them to later join their age-appropriate classes and complete their formal education.

As part of its programs (free of charge) for supporting compensatory education within Syria and its special care for orphans, the Syrian Future Movement has rented an official headquarters in the center of Azaz city, accommodating nearly 100 students, and built another in Afrin city with a capacity of about 150 students.
The Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement supervises them through its branch inside Syria, namely the Tawad Educational School chain.
The Syrian Future Movement has equipped both locations with all necessary educational, pedagogical, and logistical means. Intensive and focused programs supervised by specialized teachers are implemented, with the Syrian Future Movement covering their salaries and providing the required assistance for the success of the agreed-upon educational plan for the academic year.

We at the Syrian Future Movement believe that education is the foundation for Syria’s renaissance from a decade of war and destruction. Knowledge and enlightenment are the weapons to liberate from injustice and corruption.
Any neglect of the education sector will inevitably delay the process of reconstruction and institutional development in the state, ultimately leading to the destruction of both the nation and its people.

For all these reasons, the Syrian Future Movement considers serving the field of education and knowledge among its top priorities, including rebuilding destroyed schools, renovating them, building the capacities of educational staff, activating compensatory interactive education, and collaborating with all active entities and organizations in this field to ensure the success of educational institutions and the advancement of education.

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