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The Honored(6) Dr. Abdul Aziz Al-Khair ‘Abu Al-Majd’

Dr. Abdul Aziz Al-Khair, hails from the Al-Khair family, one of the largest families of Alawite sheikhs in Qardaha, the birthplace of the criminal Hafez al-Assad.
Born in 1951, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Damascus University in 1976. He joined the League of Communist Action and became a prominent leader in it, later becoming the president of ‘Al-Nidaa Al-Sha’abi’ newspaper, and a member of the editorial board of ‘Al-Shuyu’i’ and ‘Al-Raya Al-Hamra’ magazines. He remained in hiding and wanted by Assad’s regime for ten years.

He is the author of ‘The Black Book,’ which discusses issues of repression and terror in Syria during Assad’s rule, eventually becoming a reference for many international organizations and human rights organizations.
He also published ‘The Dictatorship’s Wedding’ under the Communist Action Party’s name shortly after Hafez al-Assad was re-elected for a new term. ‘Abu Al-Majd’ became the man who troubled the Syrian regime at that time, and capturing him was a top priority.
He was later arrested in February 1992, after the Syrian regime took hostages from his family and relatives.

Several Arab and international organizations launched an international campaign for the release of Abdul Aziz Al-Khair, and he was eventually released under a presidential pardon at the end of 2005. He then founded the ‘Syrian Marxist Left Gathering’ (Tayyar Al-Yasar Al-Marxist) in Syria on April 20, 2007, in collaboration with many of his leftist comrades in Syria. With the start of the Syrian Revolution in 2011, Abdul Aziz Al-Khair joined the ‘National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change in Syria,’ and openly declared his belief in the peaceful Syrian people’s revolution through his position in it. He was detained several times during the Syrian Revolution and was released, but on September 20, 2012, he was kidnapped at a checkpoint of the Air Force Intelligence on the road to Damascus International Airport after returning from a trip to the People’s Republic of China as part of a delegation from the National Coordination Committee.
The official authorities denied arresting him and stated that they did not know his whereabouts, while activists reported that he was detained in a secret prison within the Mezzeh Military Airport, overseen by the Air Force Intelligence, and he remains missing to this day.

The Syrian Future Movement awards Mr. ‘Abdul Aziz Al-Khair’ the Syrian Future Movement Medal for his efforts in combating tyranny, standing with the peaceful revolution of his people and his nation, and because, regardless of political differences, what we unite around is Syria, a free and noble homeland for all Syrians.

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