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About Participation in the First Investment Conference in Northern Syria

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM), represented by its president Dr. Zaher Baadarani, responded to the official invitation previously extended for attending and participating in the first investment conference in Northern Syria. The conference took place in the city of Al-Rai on January 17-18, 2024.

Upon arrival, Dr. Zaher Baadarani, President of the Syrian Future Movement, and his accompanying delegation were welcomed at the entrance of the industrial city in Al-Rai by Mr. Abdel Hakim Al-Masri, Minister of Finance and Economy in the Syrian Interim Government, and Dr. Basem Hatahet, founder of the Syrian Center for International Relations and Strategic Studies and member of the European Union of Civil Society Organizations, accompanied by Mr. Ali Hallaq, Chairman of the Conference Organizing Committee, Mr. Khaled Al-Ahmad, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Al-Rai city, Mr. Hussein Issa, and others.

Accompanied by the Minister of Finance and Economy, Dr. Baadarani and his delegation were led to the special meeting hall in the conference building, where a promo about the preparations for the conference and its preceding stages was presented. This also included stages of building the industrial city and its facilities. The president of SFM called for the translation of all documentary videos into English to present them to interested foreign parties. Moreover, the discussion addressed the challenges of investing in liberated Syrian areas and potential solutions through cooperation and consultation with SFM and relevant influential international parties.

Dr. Zaher Baadarani, President of SFM, apologized for his late arrival at the conference due to personal circumstances and presented a printed copy of his speech, which was scheduled to be delivered. The Minister promised to publish it and benefit from its critical and substantial points to facilitate successful investment in liberated Syrian areas through SFM’s vision.

Prior to this, a special meeting was held with Dr. Basem Hatahet and a guest from the European Union from Italy, discussing the importance of this step in Northern Syria and the necessity to enhance positives and overcome negatives or mistakes to achieve the highest level of coordination and preparation for future conferences. The president of the movement emphasized that successful investment starts by focusing on the investors themselves and working with them to overcome obstacles.

At the end of the meeting, the Minister invited Dr. Baadarani and his accompanying delegation for lunch, joined by members of the Syrian Future Movement, including Eyad Hamdi, Munir Kartal, and Abdullah Zaen, the director of the President’s office of SFM, and SFM cadres in Azaz and Afrin offices.

Dr. Baadarani conveyed a message of thanks to Mr. Abdurrahman Mustafa, President of the Syrian Interim Government, and Mr. Hadi Al-Bahra, President of the Syrian National Coalition for the Opposition, for their warm reception of the guests, organization of the conference and the accompanying exhibition. He also thanked Mr. Abdel Hakim Al-Masri, Minister of Finance and Economy in the Syrian Interim Government, for his effective and distinguished role in uniting efforts and hearts towards the common national goal and vision.

It is worth mentioning that on the sidelines of the conference, our cadres distributed brochures and business cards of the Syrian Future Movement to all conference participants and guests of the accompanying exhibition.

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