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Congratulations from the Syrian Democratic Left Party to the (SFM).

Congratulations Telegram:

Number: 011123/A.H.Y
Date: 15/11/2023

To the President of the Syrian Future Movement,
Respected Dr. Zaher Baadarani, and extending to its members, brothers and sisters in the Syrian Future Movement,
We extend to you our warmest congratulations on the eleventh anniversary of the establishment of your movement. We wish you further progress and struggle on the path of freedom and independence for our beloved Syria. Hand in hand, we march together towards the future for the goals of our Syrian revolution through the overthrow of the criminal regime and building a new Syria free from tyranny and terrorism.
Victory to our revolution,
Freedom for all detainees,
Glory and eternity to the martyrs of the Revolution of Freedom and Dignity.

Syrian Democratic Left Party
General Secretary
Dr. Salama Darwish.

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