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Regarding the Media Campaign Against Syrians in Egypt

Syrians have followed with great surprise the irresponsible and directed media campaign on social media against the Syrian presence in Egypt.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) believes that this malicious campaign does not represent Egypt, neither its government nor its people, and is largely just fake accounts within a massive directed campaign.

The Syrian Future Movement condemns the calls that overlook the gravity of the situation in Syria, considering that Syria has returned to its normal life! Without taking into account the ongoing state of war, and the resulting security oppression and injustice, accompanied by poverty and hardship of living, not to mention the presence of four foreign armies on Syrian territory, in addition to the United Nations itself considering Syria a country not safe for its people in the current situation.

The Syrian Future Movement calls on the Egyptian government and the official Egyptian media to confront this frenzied campaign and nip it in the bud, as it tarnishes the reputation of the sisterly Arab Republic of Egypt, its Arab depth, and its Islamic, historical, and civilizational status.

The Syrian Future Movement warns our Syrian people against being drawn into the sedition intended to sow its seeds, and to confront these discordant voices rationally, wisely, and with forbearance, so as not to fall into the trap and prevent a rift between our two peoples.

The Syrian Future Movement always recommends presenting the best image representing our Syrian people’s stance towards those who have embraced them and treated them well, which is not far from them.

The Syrian Future Movement thanks the Arab Republic of Egypt for hosting nearly 9 million Syrian refugees and appreciates the economic consequences of this despite the economic conditions it is going through, and the potential repercussions of the Israeli threat of displacing the people of Gaza to its lands.

The Syrian Future Movement urges the international community to take responsibility for helping Egypt bear the costs of hosting Syrian refugees on its land and their organization, not forgetting on the other hand the activities of Syrian traders and industrialists in Egypt and their impressive successes there, supporting the national Egyptian economy.

The Syrian Future Movement takes this opportunity to thank the Arab Republic of Egypt, its government, and people, for their brotherly and civilized treatment of Syrian refugees over the past years, treating them equally in rights and duties like Egyptians, allowing them and their families to enjoy the blessing of security, safety, and stability on its land.

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