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News on Tuesday 2024-07-02

News from the Future Movement:

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) has published Cartoon No. 32 titled: “Syrian Revolution Cartoon”.

From the memory of the Syrian Revolution on July 2, 2013, the city of Kafr Batna was subjected to intense rocket shelling by Syrian regime forces. The city’s market was targeted, resulting in the deaths of 15 civilians, including 5 children and 2 women. Over 50 others were injured, mostly children and women, many of them in critical condition.

The educational institutions of Tawad in Afrin continue their intensive activities with students during the summer period to enhance their education level, address deficiencies, and prepare for the upcoming academic year.

Domestic News:

  • A demonstration in Deir ez-Zor demanding the release of detainees, with a response from the SDF through raids.
  • Deaths and injuries due to artillery shelling by the Syrian regime on residential neighborhoods in Kanakar.
  • Popular participation in the funeral procession of protesters in northern Aleppo.
  • Targeting of a civil defense vehicle in northern Aleppo.
  • “MSD” comments on the events in northern Syria.
  • The Jarablus crossing in eastern Aleppo partially resumes operations.
  • Messages from “Square of Dignity”: Sweida stands in solidarity with northern Syria and refugees in Turkey.
  • The Syrian regime shells a Turkish point in northern Idlib and targets the eastern countryside with 4 drones.
  • A young man killed and a child injured by unknown gunmen in eastern Daraa.
  • A meeting of National Army leaders following events in rural Aleppo resulted in 7 recommendations.
  • Cautious calm prevails in northwest Syria after unprecedented tensions.
  • The Syrian Coalition condemns attacks on Syrians in Turkey.

Related News:

  • Turkish Foreign Ministry: Our efforts to ensure the safety of the Syrian people above any incitement.
  • UN rapporteur: The Syrian regime continues to practice torture despite the International Court of Justice’s decision.
  • Helsinki Committee in the US Congress holds a hearing session with witnesses on the crimes of the Syrian regime.
  • The French prosecutor calls for a decisive decision on the arrest warrant for Bashar al-Assad.
  • On the sidelines of the Shanghai Summit, Erdogan and Putin discuss the Syrian file in Astana.

International News:

  • Following the resignation of two ministers, Erdogan makes the first amendment to his government after the 2024 elections.
  • Changes in governors of 4 areas in the Kaiseri province, including the area of Malik Ghazi.
  • Turkish authorities arrest a racist who attacked Arab investors in Istanbul.
  • Russia announces the destruction of Su-27 fighter jets in Ukraine.
  • The United Nations: 2 million displaced persons in Gaza.
  • Hezbollah fires dozens of rockets at Israel.
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