Media OfficeScientific office

The Syrian Future Movement awards certificates of completion for attending the English Language (Phonetics training)

The Syrian Future Movement granted certificates to those who completed the training, which amounted to 16 hours, distributed over 4 days, each day 3 hours of the sixth month of the year 2024 AD in the Syrian city of Azaz, according to specific topics presented by the trainer: Zakaria Al-Omar.

Includes :

  1. Letters and sounds
  2. Vowels and vowels
  3. Letters and pronunciation
  4. Voice typing

The Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement follows up on scientific support training for young people in various fields with the aim of empowering and qualifying them to enter the labor market, and giving them many skills, including raising their language level, the most important of which is the English language in the field of phonetics and vowels, which increases their chances of speaking fluently.

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