activities sfmEducational projectsEducational support coursesScientific officeTawad Educational SchoolTawad Schools "Afrin"

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM), in collaboration with the White Fingers team, announces the launch of a training titled:”Media and Media Promotion”

  1. Introduction to the media and the media world
  2. Definition of media and its importance in modern society
  3. The impact of technological development on the media
  4. The arts of media promotion
  5. The concept of media promotion and how to achieve the desired impact.
  6. The target audience for promotion
  7. Marketing and advertising strategies

The Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement continues to provide scientific support training for youth in various fields and specializations, aiming to empower them and qualify them to enter the job market, making them effective and productive.

Training Days:
10-11 / 02 / 2024
Training starts at:
11 AM.
Training location:
The headquarters and office of the Syrian Future Movement in the city of A’azaz.

Trainer’s name: Bilal Saadou

للاستفسار والتسجيل:
تيار المستقبل السوري
فريق انامل بيضاء التطوعي

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