Media Officepress releases / Statements of Media Office

Regarding (Statement to the Syrian Public – No to Hatred, Yes to Cooperation and Solidarity)

In line with the vision and approach of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM), we move forward to adopt the statement titled: (Statement to the Syrian Public Opinion – No to Hatred, Yes to Cooperation and Solidarity).

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) also supports any initiative that seeks true, not superficial, national unity, including the mentioned statement. We encourage its adoption by all political parties in different Syrian regions, both inside and outside the country.

In line with this direction, the Syrian Future Movement (SFM), represented by its president Dr. Zaher Baadarani in both his personal and official capacities, has signed the content of the statement. We call on all Syrian entities, organizations, and individuals to sign and adopt its content as a unifying national point of convergence and a national solution to Syria’s crises, offering an alternative to the negative projects that Syrians are currently enduring.

And here is the text of the statement:

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