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Syrian Future Movement (SFM) is conducting a training titled “Self-Support Pathways.”

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) completed a new training titled “Self-Support Pathways” in May 2024. The training targeted 15 male and female university students and teachers, totaling 18 training hours over 5 days. The aim of this initiative was to build the capacities of Syrian youth in self-support.

The training, which was physically held at the SFM office in A’azaz, North Aleppo, covered the following skills:

  1. Psychological stress
  2. Psychological trauma
  3. Reactions to trauma
  4. Post-trauma adaptation levels
  5. Dealing with trauma
  6. The drama triangle
  7. The cognitive spiral
  8. Sensations
  9. Adaptation
  10. Balance

Training sessions were distributed over the days as follows:

  • First Day: Introduction to psychological stress, trauma, and the characteristics of traumatic events.
  • Second Day: Reactions to trauma, levels of post-trauma adaptation, and emotional trauma.
  • Third Day: Continued focus on psychological trauma, supportive comments, questions that foster hope, coping with trauma, stimulating the parasympathetic system, and the drama triangle.
  • Fourth Day: Exercises on emotions, thoughts, behavior, the cognitive spiral, and sensations.
  • Fifth Day: Focus on adaptation, healthy coping strategies, balance, and an activity titled “Suffering or Meaning?” followed by a final test.

The training concluded on the fifth day, achieving its objectives. Feedback was collected through a survey assessing the training location, material, and instructor. The results were positive, with participants appreciating the professional nature of the evaluation process, each providing feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the training and the challenges faced.

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